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The Official DF Galaxy Nexus Pre-Release Thread

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I am anxiously awaiting the next rumor so I can get myself all worked up and excited ... then get all disappointed and angry when it turns out to be false! Isn't this FUN?!?!?! :blink:
Since I first got into looking for my next device and started the NPRM; I noticed something after waiting through/watching the release of the bionic, iphone 4s, rezound, and Razr... and that is that there really are no surprises to those of us here on the boards. I have yet to have a moment where I saw a commercial, saw the opportunity pre-order/purchase, or read "official" information that I didn't see here or on one of the blogs at least 3 or 4 days in advance. It sort of sucks because it means there are never any "pleasant surprises" and everything ends up being very anti-climatic. Hopefully I'm just jaded from this whole thing and the fact that the nexus is such a unique device it will give me an entirely unique experience from launch all the way to my next device, but at this point, I don't know if we are going to get any "Surprise!!! Here is your new Nexus!!!" moments.
Yeah this isn't even fun anymore. We've seen every inch and angle of this thing and the OS pretty much due to everyone else having it already. No surprises left at all.

What a lame, lackluster experience this has now become, especially for us on Verizon who never had the chance to own a Nexus phone. Thanks a lot Verizon, you really know how to disappoint.

And thanks to all the constant rumors and our desire for the phone, it is constant continuing disappointment, over and over again. What a dragged out, ridiculous situation. I feel like every few days that this happens again, I am getting re-beaten and re-let down. Shouldn't even have feelings like this relating to a freakin' phone. When does it end?
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Wouldn't it have been absolutely brilliant if at the end of the unveiling a month or so ago someone with VZW/etc. ended with "The Galaxy Nexus will be available online and in stores starting.....right now." I don't see why manufacturers and carriers can't get on the same page with this stuff and totally capitalize on the hype and anxiety that everyone has for these devices nowadays. Instead it seems like most of the time they unveil a device, then do little to nothing for what seems like an eternity, then officially release it after all of the hype has died down. I'm sure there's a whole lot of other marketing/business caveats involved, but it seems like they are missing the boat a little bit here.
No "Magic" keeping this moto device healthy.

I have lost count how many times i have come a half a second from seeing how far it could fly...

Its decision last evening to send out some pretty stellar inebriated texts that I had apparently attempted to send over the holiday weekend that decided to detour around Uranus before arriving to some pretty confused individuals = straw to my camel.
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By the way, I would like to point out that this thread passed the NPRM in post count around midnight of last night... impressive!
I will not pre-order a phone. What is the point? Basically it locks you in to buying it from Verizon at full price. I'd rather shop around for the best deal. I'd be pretty upset if I pre-ordered it for $300 and then Costco came out and offered it for $295 with a ton of free accessories or if Radio Shack put it out for $200. Learn from the Bionic fail!

I don't really care about actually pre-ordering, I just want to see it go on pre-order so then I know it's that much closer to full out launch.
I don't really care about actually pre-ordering, I just want to see it go on pre-order so then I know it's that much closer to full out launch.
True a pre-order lets you know that launch is imminent, but hasn't launch been imminent for a month now? We're pretty much at DEFCON 2 with this thing and even a pre-order won't escalate us to DEFCON 1. Only an actual launch date will do that. What if they put it up for pre-order without giving us a launch date? I imagine you mods would get pretty busy censoring obscene posts from frustrated forum members!
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