Had no problems with my GNex since purchase. The .2 uploaded when I was in the parking log after purchase.
The OTA update to 4.04 hit my phone while I was vacationing (OBX) and I was somewhat excited. I had hoped the update would improve battery life which was my only problem.
Since I was on vacation, I did not spend a lot of time reading the bug reports and message boards. Within an hour after the update I dropped 3 calls to two different people in Tennessee. I assumed it was their fault.
However, no it's obvious it's not.
Keep in mind, I have never had a drop call problem with a cell. I owned a worthless Droid Bionic that I pawned off on my wife after several months of frustrating data loss that was actually finally fixed.
Now? My phone is garbage. I'm constantly losing cell signal and believe my data signal is now worse as well.
I've never seen an "update" make as many problems worse. I would not know if the battery life is improved as the phone is now churning through battery faster than it ever has as it is constantly looking for a signal.
Again, we don't know if the problem is with Google or Verizon. It is clear that the 4.04 update was delayed because of VZW interference. Did VZW force a code change that created this problem or did Google do this and screw up their own flagship phone? I usually take Google's side but this time I don't think I can.
No wonder other phones are slow to go to ICS.
The OTA update to 4.04 hit my phone while I was vacationing (OBX) and I was somewhat excited. I had hoped the update would improve battery life which was my only problem.
Since I was on vacation, I did not spend a lot of time reading the bug reports and message boards. Within an hour after the update I dropped 3 calls to two different people in Tennessee. I assumed it was their fault.
However, no it's obvious it's not.
Keep in mind, I have never had a drop call problem with a cell. I owned a worthless Droid Bionic that I pawned off on my wife after several months of frustrating data loss that was actually finally fixed.
Now? My phone is garbage. I'm constantly losing cell signal and believe my data signal is now worse as well.
I've never seen an "update" make as many problems worse. I would not know if the battery life is improved as the phone is now churning through battery faster than it ever has as it is constantly looking for a signal.
Again, we don't know if the problem is with Google or Verizon. It is clear that the 4.04 update was delayed because of VZW interference. Did VZW force a code change that created this problem or did Google do this and screw up their own flagship phone? I usually take Google's side but this time I don't think I can.
No wonder other phones are slow to go to ICS.