This whole "1 free redesign" thing is pretty damn fantastic, too.
I have also read some reviews that also say things like that. I have not held a T2 yet, but I think most reviews are directly comparing it to the S6, iPhone 6, G4. Frankly I think the G4\G3 feels so very lux in the hand. Small bezels and that curved back really make it feel a bit more premium then my T1. Same with the S6 Edge. Feels GOOD in the hand.
Not that the T1 feels bad or "brick like" to me. Not even a tiny bit. But directly comparing it to my favoritley designed phone, G3/G4, it doesn't feel AS modern. So I believe review sites are overblowing it a bit. Making it sound much worse then it is.
Although I do agree from pics I've seen: do NOT get the White T2.