The Official Thread for No Sound after HeadPhone Use


Nov 21, 2009
Reaction score
Northern VA
Hey guys, I've seen WAY too many threads for this problem. I thought that rather than responding a billion times to threads with my opinions and results of research, I'd just make an official thread.

Post ANYTHING that you may find, or post that you have the problem here.

What is the problem?
The problem is that after us Droid users have been using our headphones, there is no sound through the built-in speaker after unplugging the headphones. Using headphones again does work. Essentially the Droid is stuck in Headphone mode.

What has been found out?
Through my extensive research (this is my mp3 player)
I've concluded that it is a software problem. I have not taken an extensive look into the software, but experimentation has proved otherwise.

I can use my headphones for about 3 minutes and still be able to use the speaker after unplugging them.

Also, if you look at the top of your droid at the headphone jack, it's possible to push it in, showing some play. This contributes to the cracking headphone noise problem, and needs to be remedied somehow. How, I have no idea. We'll leave Motorola Engineers up to that.

The problem of the loose headphone jack could also have to do with the no sound after headphone problem. There are terminals inside of the device that could possible get bridged or spark, which would essentially cause the phone to be in a continuous cycle of thinking there is headphones plugged in.

To fix the phone temporarily, restart it. Long hold of power and click Power Off.

I've also found out that it is possible for the phone to think that there were/are headphones plugged in, while it is entirely impossible (didn't use headphones at all)

If you try the method below and it doesn't work, try taking a pair of headphones, inserting them in, then slowly pulling on the connector. This will cause the port/receptacle for headphones on the phone to be pulled out, and after a restart, should cause the phone to allow use of the speaker again.
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I had this happen once. Also, some static in the left headphone last night. A friend's headphone jack on his Droid went bad. Sounds like an unfortunately common problem.
Yeah my first one that dies a horrible death had the crackling in the headphones. Luckily my new one doesn't have the same issue.
I think I'm going to be heading in to get a replacement Droid this weekend. That is if I'm not snowed out. The stupid crackling headphone problem can easily be fixed with a couple of drops of CA (Super Glue) but I'd rather not void my warrenty.

Noob question, I know, but what is the software to back up my apps?
i just noticed this after reading this post. it must be due to the 2.0.1 update, cause before it would pause the song then resume when you hit the play button and the speaker would work fine. love the phone but too many issues, oh well i'll take the many good with the few bad issues.
I have just developed this problem, I went three to four weeks without any issues. I have had the "crackly" sound for a while, it seems the headphone jack is extremely touchy.

Has anyone had any luck returning the phone for a freshy?

Coincidentally the problem started after I added another Gig of music to the phone, so I've got 6.5G worth of music loaded onto the phone. I don't see how that would have any effect on this problem though.
I have the same problem. Went to VZW store just now, before I read this thread. Didn't seem like they had a clue. Now after reading this thread, I understand why my music would crackle as well.

Gonna shoot VZW an email and see what they say.
I had the crackle sound before the 2.0.1 update. I'll be definitely taking the phone in.
No Audio after Headphone use

Starting having this issue after the update to 2.0.1 I would roll it back but that doesn't seem to be an option.
After using the headphones if I unplug them the sound does not return to the handset. I have found that you can use the speaker phone in a pinch. but the only fix I have found is to power off the phone! This has caused me to miss a number of important phone calls and to be forced to hang up on people. I am not sure if anyone has a direct line to Google or to Motorola but this can't get fixed fast enough!!!
Well the other thread authors should have known better than to make "unofficial" threads...

Sarcasm aside, I did discover something new about this problem. I don't seem to have this problem with certain headphones. I'm sitting here right now plugging and unplugging headphones from my phone and the sound switches from headphone mode to normal mode seamlessly. I got some new headphones around the day that the 2.0.1 update came out, and I always have the unplug = no sound problem with them. I figured it was something wrong with the update but now I'm wondering if it really is a hardware issue.

The headphones I got also include a microphone that I should be able to use for making calls, but I haven't really tried that part of it. I just wanted to mention that in case the microphone may be causing the issue somehow.
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This is exactly what is happening to my phone. It makes total sense. I had my Droid plugged into my car radio and after I unplugged it I could not hear phone calls (as if the headphones were still plugged in). So my question is, should I return my Droid because it is a hardware issue or wait for a software fix?
No issues here... use headphones or plug in to car stereo daily... haven't had this happen to me at all... before or after the update.
Alright. Now that Martin is saying that he has no problem this is leading me to think it's a hardware problem. Guys, if you can, get your Droids out.

On the headphone jack, can you press on it to move it around a little? Like, plug in a pair of headphones as it really shows the play. Tell me if there is play with the jack.

Martin especially you, if you can do that, and if you come up with a result, that would be great.

Also say if you're having the problem.
If anyone were to try this I'm sure that a fix would come out faster, Come on people!
I think I'm going to be heading in to get a replacement Droid this weekend. That is if I'm not snowed out. The stupid crackling headphone problem can easily be fixed with a couple of drops of CA (Super Glue) but I'd rather not void my warrenty.

Noob question, I know, but what is the software to back up my apps?

Alright. Now that Martin is saying that he has no problem this is leading me to think it's a hardware problem. Guys, if you can, get your Droids out.

On the headphone jack, can you press on it to move it around a little? Like, plug in a pair of headphones as it really shows the play. Tell me if there is play with the jack.

Martin especially you, if you can do that, and if you come up with a result, that would be great.

Also say if you're having the problem.
First... I saw in an earlier post in the thread you asked what to use to back up apps... Astro File Manager would be my recommendation.

now for the headphone jack.... i didn't notice any noticeable wiggle with a headphone set plugged in... nothing I would consider abnormal at least. It's pretty solid.

I use a set of sony inner ear headphones (nothing special $40-50 pair) and a belkin fm tuner for the car. phone functions fine after using either to play music..... however I have noticed one thing... If I'm in the car with the headphone jack plugged in... and I try to plug in the car charger at the same time my music will cut out, Droid will show charging, then lose connection, immediately display charging again, all while the music is cutting in and out. Yet if I take the headphone jack out and use the car charger the phone charges fine and music will play flawlessly thru the Droid's speaker. Not sure what this means but wanted to throw it out there.

on the crackling sound... I had this (as did everyone) problem before the 2.0.1 update when volume was at max... if i set it 1 or 2 clicks below max it didn't do it. Now after the 2.0.1 update the crackling is gone.