The only thing I'm scared of about Galaxy Nexus


Nov 4, 2011
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I have been watching this phone for a while, and have been pretty set on this as the phone I want to get, but there is one simple thing that gives me some concern about getting this phone.

I am worried about droid apps compatibility with ICS 4.0. My concern is, if I get this phone with the new ICS on it, that a lot of apps (50%+) might not work out of the box, until they are updated, which who knows if that will be days, or months? I feel like we may end up being ICS guinnea pigs, and that once more phones upgrade to ICS next spring, that will be when most stuff will really be compatible for ICS, and for now it may be more of a beta test, and why companies like HTC and Motorola and such, are not upgrading until next spring, when it will be more stable. I really don't want a half-gimped phone for the next 3 or 4 months, and the apps I intend to get the most use of, are older apps that I am not sure if they will even get upgraded.

Anyone know more about if app compatibility will be a big problem?
The sdk has been out for a while now. I guarantee you most app devs are already working on this. Some apps might be a bit wonky in the beginning, but everything should "work."

Edit: And to add to this. I wouldn't worry much about compatibility, the biggest concern will be ICS's jump to hd resolutions. Meaning apps that look nice on our screens now, may not look so pretty on the Nexus' 720p screen. But again, it won't take devs long to address this.
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The sdk has been out for a while now. I guarantee you most app devs are already working on this. Some apps might be a bit wonky in the beginning, but everything should "work."

Edit: And to add to this. I wouldn't worry much about compatibility, the biggest concern will be ICS's jump to hd resolutions. Meaning apps that look nice on our screens now, may not look so pretty on the Nexus' 720p screen. But again, it won't take devs long to address this.

With the Rezound out, hopefully devs are already addressing the potential resolution issues.
But what about older apps that don't get updated much? Things like emulators, guitar tab apps, and just apps that were made a while ago. Those are the ones I will probably use the most.
But what about older apps that don't get updated much? Things like emulators, guitar tab apps, and just apps that were made a while ago. Those are the ones I will probably use the most.

To be honest, if the dev has any integrity, they're going to update their app. If not, keep your old phone or find a different app. All phones will eventually have hd screens.
Well, this will be my first smartphone, and the GNex sounds very nice. I just don't want to get an outdated phone, but on the other hand I don't want to get something so new that all the apps for it are outdated. I want up to date hardware and software lol. I was kind of debating on the rezound just for this reason, because it uses gingerbread, and by the time ICS comes out for it, it should have most the kinks worked out I hope. But the GNexus is so sexy lol. And I don't care much for the whole "beats" gimic on the rezound. And no removable battery for Razr makes that a no go.

I've held off thus far on getting a smart phone (on a feature phone now) partially as a protest against paying $30 more a month for a data plan. But after finding out all the stuff droids can do now days, from watching netflix, to streaming radio, to playing my old snes and playstation games, to reading books, to playing some fun app games, to google voice, google navigation, to browsing the web at high speed, to taking nice quality pictures, etc, I think the $30 extra a month for the data plan might be worth it now. These are the things I am looking for in a droid. I am not so concerned about having the newest best phone, but more just the phone that can do the overall collective of these things the best.