The Samsung screen glass is horrible.

I like how this turned into a screen protector thread.

Wonder why OP hasn't checked in? Maybe he did send his phone in or finally switched devices cause he's had enough:D

Even if he did I would bet he doesn't have insurance on that phone either and will have problems soon enough. Kinda like a dog chasing his tail.
Even if he did I would bet he doesn't have insurance on that phone either and will have problems soon enough. Kinda like a dog chasing his tail.
I don't have insurance on my phone:)

Either way if you take a look at his past threads you can see he hasn't gotten a real good rep with our fellow Nexus owners. Just take a look at threads started by him. I'm always willing to help, but I can't help someone who just doesn't like their phone...
to add my voice to this... everyone that says a user issue - WRONG. I (like many of you) have had a number of phones - my droid x (all 3 three I had over 2 years) - NEVER scratched. Period. no protectors ... nothing. Both Galaxy nexus I have had in the last 6 months - scratched with days. No keys in the pocket, no tacks etc.. just sitting in your pocket.. with change etc... common stuff. The GLASS SCRATCHES ... it's not nearly as good as gorilla glass.
to add my voice to this... everyone that says a user issue - WRONG. I (like many of you) have had a number of phones - my droid x (all 3 three I had over 2 years) - NEVER scratched. Period. no protectors ... nothing. Both Galaxy nexus I have had in the last 6 months - scratched with days. No keys in the pocket, no tacks etc.. just sitting in your pocket.. with change etc... common stuff. The GLASS SCRATCHES ... it's not nearly as good as gorilla glass.

I must have got "super" glass on my Nexus on launch day. I have carried it around in my pocket with the items you described on numerous occasions also with no screen protector and have not had one scratch. I do not make a habit of carrying my phone in my pocket with other items although sometimes it is unavoidable. It's just not a good practice. I do currently have a screen protector on my Nexus.

While it may not be as good as gorilla glass, it's more than good enough. You have a $600 device in your pocket. I would suggest that you go to amazon and buy a few screen protectors for a few cents.

I have had exactly 2 Android devices. A OG Droid that I got on it's launch day and a Galaxy Nexus also purchased on it's launch day. I understand that people get a bad device here and there but why did you go through 3 Droid X's in 2 years and 2 Galaxy Nexus so far? Were these all defective devices or were there user issues that caused a need for replacements?
some answers

multi droid x (1 lost/stolen), the others I cannot remember (I recall it being hardware). The recent galaxy (just replaced a week ago- was due to charging malfunction - would not charge reliably)

regarding the screen protector - I went with the verizon branded when I first got it - I just didn't care for the distortion that it caused. I was ready to go with this considering how much damage (scratches the first one took). if there is some super no distortion lens/protector I'm there. (I'm photographer so sometimes I only have portfolio with me on my phone and require as much clarity as i can get)

Again it's not large sampling.. but compared against the driod x - same use case - no scratches this is my benchmark. I do remember this with the windows phones (HTC) back in the day...
Launch day nexus and not a single scratch on the glass. I have a screen protector now but for 2 weeks with no protector and it being exposed outside alot, not a single scratch. My Inc that I had naked all the time didn't even have a scratch for the year that I had it, same with my OG Droid.
Launch day nexus and not a single scratch on the glass. I have a screen protector now but for 2 weeks with no protector and it being exposed outside alot, not a single scratch. My Inc that I had naked all the time didn't even have a scratch for the year that I had it, same with my OG Droid.
My baby come into this world naked,and shes gonna go out that way.
My baby come into this world naked,and shes gonna go out that way.
She actually came with packaging protection:p

I remember well because it had the Nexus logo on it and I used it for half a day with that thing on until I brought it home:D

You're right though, nothing feels better than glass, but for where I bring my phone I feel more at ease with a screen protector on.