Quick question: I'm working straight off the guide
here, using Step 2 Option A (rooting without a computer - for us Mac users). I've completed the first little set of stuff - downloading all the programs and zip files to the phone, using Astro to extract the files in rageagainstthecage to the download directory on my sdcard, and now I'm pumped. I feel ready. I fire up Android Terminal Emulator. Ahhh, that blue background and little white "$" is so comforting. Incidentally, the first thing Terminal Emulator tells me is "export PATH=/data/local/bin:$PATH", which I guess is the default command sent to the shell when it opens for this Terminal. I don't really know enough UNIX to know whether I should change it, so I leave it alone.
I hit the first command:
$ $ cd /tmp
cd: can't cd to /tmp
OK, let's see what's going on here. Where am I, anyway?
$ ls
<a bunch of stuff>
<a bunch more stuff>
Ahhhhh! I'm not in the sdcard yet. Let's go there.
$ cd sdcard
$ ls
<a bunch of stuff, including my tmp directory>
THERE we go. Now this will work, right? I'm sure it was just an oversight on the part of the author of the guide. In the very... first... step. Riiiiight. Not encouraging, but let's go!
$ cd /tmp
cd: can't cd to /tmp
Incidentally, I don't understand why I need the / before the tmp in this command. If I just want to change to the tmp directory, wouldn't cd tmp work? Let's try:
$ cd tmp
$ ls
OK, I'm in /sdcard/tmp now, which is apparently empty. Next, according to the guide, I want to "copy the file to the tmp directory, change its permissions. run it, and wait." Here we go:
$ cp /sdcard/download/rage*.bin /sdcard/tmp
cp: permission denied
Uhhhhh... OK, here's where I'm lost. The author of the guide never mentioned that I would need any sort of admin privileges added to my account in Terminal. Why don't I have them? How do I get them? Obviously, under normal circumstances I would use su, but IT'S NOT INSTALLED YET. I tried it, just for fun, didn't work (su: permission denied)
Any help?