My guess is going to be
Come on, positive vibes!!!
My guess is going to be
how to restore it to work. i can use ADB. please help me.
Going through the permissions in my apps i noticed super user wasnt set to the usual rw--r--r like the other ones is that normal? I never touched permissions before so idk what to expect.
I installed and followed the directions the way it said to. When i got to the last part, I put the delay to 5000 but the moment i pressed apply it rebooted almost instantly, everything seems themed except my notification bar, nothing up there changed at all. Any help?
I also can't get to blur home anymore. Im stuck using adw. I can't uninstall adw either. I use my moto widgets so id like to stay with the blurhome.apk, It wont even let me manually install the apk in system/app folder even though its there. (hope im not being a pain i appreciate the help and the theme itself ^_^)
EDIT: Nvm, I reapplied the last step again and it worked now. I noticed the moto widgets is under "widgets" now mixed in with everything else so I dont need blurhome.apk anymore. (gotta redo my entire home now UGH) Still wondering about the permissions for SU though.
That is becasue you are now using ADW launcher.. for some reason MotoBlur doesn't give you the normal option to set one or the other Home apps as default...actually not sure of this is a Blur issue or an ADW on Droid X issue.
Until some one gets it fixed the workaround to get back to the Blur Home (if you want to ) is to use Root Explorer and go to system/app and rename org.adw.laucher-1.apk to .bak or .apk2 etc. to kill it so BlurHome is the default. You don't even need to reboot, the change will be imediate when you exit Root Explorer.
To go back to ADW, just remove the "2" or whatever to get it back to .apk...same deal, exit RE and ADW should be active once again.
Clunky, but it works and is actually faster for me than going to Manage Applications, finding the home app and clearing the default like you would normally do with as Droid 1.
Going through the permissions in my apps i noticed super user wasnt set to the usual rw--r--r like the other ones is that normal? I never touched permissions before so idk what to expect.
I installed and followed the directions the way it said to. When i got to the last part, I put the delay to 5000 but the moment i pressed apply it rebooted almost instantly, everything seems themed except my notification bar, nothing up there changed at all. Any help?
I also can't get to blur home anymore. Im stuck using adw. I can't uninstall adw either. I use my moto widgets so id like to stay with the blurhome.apk, It wont even let me manually install the apk in system/app folder even though its there. (hope im not being a pain i appreciate the help and the theme itself ^_^)
EDIT: Nvm, I reapplied the last step again and it worked now. I noticed the moto widgets is under "widgets" now mixed in with everything else so I dont need blurhome.apk anymore. (gotta redo my entire home now UGH) Still wondering about the permissions for SU though.
That is becasue you are now using ADW launcher.. for some reason MotoBlur doesn't give you the normal option to set one or the other Home apps as default...actually not sure of this is a Blur issue or an ADW on Droid X issue.
Until some one gets it fixed the workaround to get back to the Blur Home (if you want to ) is to use Root Explorer and go to system/app and rename org.adw.laucher-1.apk to .bak or .apk2 etc. to kill it so BlurHome is the default. You don't even need to reboot, the change will be imediate when you exit Root Explorer.
To go back to ADW, just remove the "2" or whatever to get it back to .apk...same deal, exit RE and ADW should be active once again.
Clunky, but it works and is actually faster for me than going to Manage Applications, finding the home app and clearing the default like you would normally do with as Droid 1.
Thanks, after checking back my blurhome, it pretty much has adws icons on the bottom and the home setup is pretty much blank, all the widgets are gone and the only things left is the app shortcuts lol. I guess i'll be sticking with adw.
Any idea to what permissions my SU app should have? Im still a lil confused why it was different than everything else.
AWESOME!!!!!! Now I finally feel like my X is complete! Thanks 928! dancedroiddancedroid
Only Hitch I ran into was the instant reboot when installing the frameworkres, even with the MM delay set to 5000 it just went to a black screen almost instantly and then a reboot, but after it booted, going back into MM and applying the framework res again succeeded. Not really an issue though since the instructions stated those things could happen when applying that part. The only thing I can think you might want to add to the OP would be to warn people that the first boot is gonna take a few minutes so that the people new to this stuff dont start freaking out when it stays on the droid eye for 3 or 4 minutes lol.
This is an awesome theme!! Just applied it on my droid x but noticed i'm missing a few things. I never got the unlock screen with the droid eyes and i don't have the spinning droid eyes on youtube load screen. Any suggestions or ideas?
AWESOME!!!!!! Now I finally feel like my X is complete! Thanks 928! dancedroiddancedroid
Only Hitch I ran into was the instant reboot when installing the frameworkres, even with the MM delay set to 5000 it just went to a black screen almost instantly and then a reboot, but after it booted, going back into MM and applying the framework res again succeeded. Not really an issue though since the instructions stated those things could happen when applying that part. The only thing I can think you might want to add to the OP would be to warn people that the first boot is gonna take a few minutes so that the people new to this stuff dont start freaking out when it stays on the droid eye for 3 or 4 minutes lol.
Glad you like the Theme, thanks! If you like it now, wait until you see the revision coming later today
MetaMorph/Framework situation is normal, just the way MetaMorh keep in mind when you thme Framework-res it is like trying to change your pistons while the engine is running....:icon_eek:
This is an awesome theme!! Just applied it on my droid x but noticed i'm missing a few things. I never got the unlock screen with the droid eyes and i don't have the spinning droid eyes on youtube load screen. Any suggestions or ideas?
Is your status bar black ??? Sounds like framework didn't apply completely or at all. ALSO did you set the Delay to 5000 as instructed? If not all the files may not have been transfered to framework... try applying just the framework again.
Although it feels a little laggy, its not by much. I just feel the screens slides slower not really "laggy" is there any way to speed up the screen swipe?
Blurhome to ADW screen switching. Everything else like opening apps, scrolling through apps, app loading etc etc is definitely on par or a bit faster. I just dont like the screen swiping lol i guess im use to using that slider on the bottom.
Blurhome to ADW screen switching. Everything else like opening apps, scrolling through apps, app loading etc etc is definitely on par or a bit faster. I just dont like the screen swiping lol i guess im use to using that slider on the bottom.
OK, that's like comparing a Mustang to a Ferrari...well, not the best comparison...the 2011 Stangs are darn fast.
Please try not to confuse people by making comparisons like that, they are invalid. Now, if yuo have ADW loaded before my Theme and you thought it was slower afterwards, I need to know that, but I have never seen anything like that happen.
If you don't like ADW, just switch back to BlurHome, it's still there and also themed...details of how to switch them is a few posts/pages backwards. Also you can uninstall ADW with TitaniumBackup or by going to system/app and deleting org.adw.launcher-1.apk
FYI, ADW has a TON of settings, Menu>ADWsettings and one of them is a screen swipe speed is set to medium by default.