Just got the chance to use your 928DroidBlackGlassX-DroidX-OTA2315-DeOdexEERR-THEME file and it worked like a charm.
I also used the 928Droid-BackToStock-DroidX22-OTA-DeOdexed file since I've been working on my own personal theme and wanted to start out fresh.
Everything went fine, but I did notice a couple of things when reverting back to stock:
1. For some reason it sets up Swype as the default keyboard although I had the multitouch keyboard setup as default
2. Your Facebook app remains in /system/app and it needs to be manually deleted via RootExplorer in order to use the stock one
3. Same thing as above but with the Twitter app
Everything else seems to be back to stock as far as I can tell. If I find anything else out of place I'll be sure to give you a heads up.
Great job by the way!