To the devs- I've been getting a lot of reboots and lockups that I didn't get before. And when I hit the lock button the bottom 4 blacklights stay on for about a half of a minute
I've had that problem when I was messing with a lot of files. Taking some out, putting some others in, even slightly older revamped APK's like the smoked out Pandora, and doing work on whatever. Once things get clustered up like that, it will confuse the processor and eventually lead to reboots and such. If I could detail it better, I would.
But, the other day I had to SBF back to stock to clean every thing out and get it all back in order and flash Liberty 1.5 and a new theme. Haven't had any reboots or those 4 lights on the soft keys stay on even after the screen is off. My USB was also having serious problems and when I plugged it in the phone would reboot twice, then settle down, it would take roughly 8 minutes for the Droid folder to show up on my laptop.
By the way bassdj, great job on the theme!