The green juice is HAWT! :O~
I'm having a problem with v3 running on 1.8.9. SDCard Readers (SDrescan) won't work which means any new data that gets put directly on my SDCard doesn't show up in Gallery,etc. Problem doesn't happen until Black Juice is installed.
Which ROM are you running, which version of my theme, and did you try to clear cache?
Which ROM are you running, which version of my theme, and did you try to clear cache?
Hey Juice, I'm running rubiX 1.8.9 using your Black Juice Green v3 theme from this thread. When I installed I cleared the cache, but I just did it again to make sure. Still have the problem. Thanks for any help, I really enjoy your themes.
Yummy blueness.
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well i finally got this rom and theme and GOD i love how crisp and fast this is now im wondering about that status bar that u have kind of like that battery symbol
If you want JUST the battery symbol, you can use metamorph and put it in. If you want all the different blue icons I put up there, I can put them together in a .zip for you if you'd like.
Edit: In fact, here you go. It's the same exact theme but with different notification icons.
Just wanted to say that my sdrescan is working fine with the green theme.
On another note, is it possible to have the little moto red target thing for text to be green?
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Just wanted to say that my sdrescan is working fine with the green theme.
On another note, is it possible to have the little moto red target thing for text to be green?
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You talking about the text thing when you long press? I have no idea where that is, let me look for it Ill see what I can do!
:icon_ banana:
Just wanted to stop in and say thanks Juicemane. Between your blackjuice theme and rubix roms my phone is nearly 100% perfect. You guys rock.
Just wanted to say that my sdrescan is working fine with the green theme.
On another note, is it possible to have the little moto red target thing for text to be green?
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You talking about the text thing when you long press? I have no idea where that is, let me look for it Ill see what I can do!
:icon_ banana:
Yeah lol! No big deal though just thought its be cool!
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anyone try this on blurry 2.3.20?
or should I be installing B/J theme for blurry 1.0? really want to get back on a black juice theme.
Can someone let me know how to install this blackjuice theme? I'm relatively new to installing custom roms and themes. I currently have a rooted DX running OTA stock 2.2. Looking to install Rubix Focused 1.8.9 ..then JuiceMan's BlackJuice blue. I have Koush's bootstrap and ROM manager already, and already did a backup of my existing ROM. Can someone walk thru the steps of installing this ROM/theme in order. Would appreciate this.. Thx
Its easy. Download the zip on the first post of the rubix 1.8.9 thread.Download my theme. Copy them to your phones sdcard.
Launch bootstrap and boot into recovery. Clear cache/data.
Click install from zip from sdcard
Browse for zip select. Yes to install
Let it run. When it says complete reboot. Let it load.
Once your back in android sign in etc.
Reboot into bootstrap again.
Install zip from sdcard. Select blackjuice zip. Install. Reboot.
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