All credit goes to nitroglycerine33 over at XDA....
Orig link: [Theme] [3/28/11] Nitro Vivid v1.0 - Tested with Super Clean - xda-developers
[Theme] [3/28/11] Nitro Vivid v1.0 - Tested with Super Clean
Welcome to Nitro Vivid 1.0 - Tested on Super Clean
This theme is a spin off of some of my other themes and with a lot of color. A lot of the launcher images
are from manup in this theme.
Full Black UI with custom menus and launchers on nearly every icon (manup and myself)
Superclean 2.9.2 battery
Modded gingerbread dialer (tabs taken from nitsuj's Sense)
Blacked out Contacts from NitroDark
Blacked out mms app (kenesis)
Black Google Talk
Black Google Voice
Settings menu icons HTC style
Calendar highlights green (nitsuj's sense, landscape modded by me)
Themed widgets (voice, talk, search, facebook, twitter, launcherpro widgets)
Themed launcherpro (yes it is the old version for now)
Custom drop downs and buttons
Overall just quite a few windows, icons, launchers modded and cleaned up.
Just as the title suggests. Everything is just vivid!
Themed android keyboard and swype
Swype keyboard layout from thatdudebutch
Green tracer and glow added to swype
Custom bootanimation (not sure where from)
Wallpapers are included if anyone wants it.
Download v1.0: NitroVivid
If you like my work or I helped you out please feel free to donate to my coffee fund!
Orig link: [Theme] [3/28/11] Nitro Vivid v1.0 - Tested with Super Clean - xda-developers

Welcome to Nitro Vivid 1.0 - Tested on Super Clean
This theme is a spin off of some of my other themes and with a lot of color. A lot of the launcher images
are from manup in this theme.
Full Black UI with custom menus and launchers on nearly every icon (manup and myself)
Superclean 2.9.2 battery
Modded gingerbread dialer (tabs taken from nitsuj's Sense)
Blacked out Contacts from NitroDark
Blacked out mms app (kenesis)
Black Google Talk
Black Google Voice
Settings menu icons HTC style
Calendar highlights green (nitsuj's sense, landscape modded by me)
Themed widgets (voice, talk, search, facebook, twitter, launcherpro widgets)
Themed launcherpro (yes it is the old version for now)
Custom drop downs and buttons
Overall just quite a few windows, icons, launchers modded and cleaned up.
Just as the title suggests. Everything is just vivid!
Themed android keyboard and swype
Swype keyboard layout from thatdudebutch
Green tracer and glow added to swype
Custom bootanimation (not sure where from)
Wallpapers are included if anyone wants it.
Download v1.0: NitroVivid
If you like my work or I helped you out please feel free to donate to my coffee fund!