UD settings/notification bar change text color/then reboot/no effect
Yank, my experience with themes is that if something doesn't work, I will more than likely move on and not ask the developer to address issues. But your theme is so good that I'm willing to dig and help with a fix if possible. Again, I appreciate all that you have and will be doing with this theme. In my opinion, it is that awesome. However, the white text on white background is a big problem for me and maybe others that just don't want to bother you, willing to live with it or they just uninstall and move on.
One other thing that I observed. Like I said, UD has a notification panel tweak for colors on every item. When I changed everything to black (and that includes touching the color swab in the center of the picker) and rebooted, none of the text change, but the notifications in the status bar all change to black. So something is changing and working, it just seems contained to the notification panel.
Not complaining, not *****ing .. just offering my 2 pennies
Transparent. Pull Down
Can you provide me with a screenshot of your issues with the colors?. I can help you figure that out... I was on the same bus as you.....
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Can you provide me with a screenshot of your issues with the colors?. I can help you figure that out... I was on the same bus as you.....
Sent from my Droid using Tapatalk
Can you provide me with a screenshot of your issues with the colors?. I can help you figure that out... I was on the same bus as you.....
Sent from my Droid using Tapatalk
Yes, I'll get the notification panel screenshot up shortly.
Three ROMs with 2 versions for each got a little confusing, I may have uploaded the wrong files ...
Three ROMs with 2 versions for each got a little confusing, I may have uploaded the wrong files ...
Totally understandable. I have trouble keeping track of the things in my little world. I can't imagine what it's like for a developer, that's one reason I'm so appreciative of yours and all devs efforts. :icon_ peace:
Thanks bud....
Sent from my Droid using Tapatalk
Three ROMs with 2 versions for each got a little confusing, I may have uploaded the wrong files ...
Totally understandable. I have trouble keeping track of the things in my little world. I can't imagine what it's like for a developer, that's one reason I'm so appreciative of yours and all devs efforts. :icon_ peace:
OK - I have looked at both .zips as well as the top secret one :biggrin: alonsou is running for me ... everything, well mostly everything :wink:, is the same and last I heard alonsou has no problems changing the text color. So, what I did was swap out (most of:winkthe "guts" from that version to these two below. I hope this solves it for you!
Solid Bar=http://[url=http://www.mediafire.com/?6jswwrdmgst5b3f]RENOVATED-UD -TextFix.zip[/url]RENOVATED-UD -TextFix.zip
Transparent Bar=RENOVATED-UD-TransPD-TextFix.zip
Please let me know as soon as you can whether or not this worked for you. If it does I'd like to update the links in the OP before I head out of town tonight ...