or your could try what i suggested....geeze
NO disrespect here.
I thought when I restored default within LP+ the shortcut was wiped especially since I had to recreate it in the dock position.
As for deleting the gmail data file within Titanium...
I looked and didn't know where to find it.
Can you direct me as to what or where and if my understanding of wiping the gmail shortcut was proper as you described?
When you restored default in LP it didnt do anything to the data in the app itself. Load up titanium--->navigate to gmail app-->click on it--->press delete data.
then redo the short cut as above.
OK i think I got it now.
I opened Titanium then backup and restore.
Chose gMail and wipe data.
I then removed the shortcut on the LP+ dock and reinstalled it.
It sync'ed with Google and...
Still no balloon notification when I receive a email.
Did i do it right???
If not what did I don wrong??
IF so then what can I next try?