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[THEME] Sensei-Mod: Liberty

I'm sorry to ask such a noobish question but I love this theme yet that little white space in the signal icon is irking the bajesus out of me. I know I need to find it in framework-res.apk in the drawable folders, i found a whole bunch, I can't remember which folder in particular, but I was wondering if someone could maybe direct me from this point on on what to do, maybe the exact file name for the image I'm looking for, do I just need to change the background color to black or... transparent even? how can i do this in GiMP? and then... use ninjamorph to change it? does that allow you to change without having to reflash the whole thing? i know i can change the image and then replace it using 7zip... I think im going to read a tutorial on ninjamorph, anyways if someone can tell me which file it is im looking for exactly to change and how to change, i would be ever so greatful... sorry for being picky, love this theme though!! Lockscreen rocks!
^^^ UPDATE ^^^

I figured it out. If anyone else is wondering how to change that pesky white space around the no signal bars this is how I did it:


7zip or WinRAR (Find on 7-zip.org or cnet.com)
GIMP2 (Find on gimp.org)
Ninja Morph Free (Find on Android Market)
Sensei-Mod.Final.zip (This theme)

Assuming you have already installed Sensei-Mod Theme on your phone...

Step 1:

On a PC, open Sensei-Mod.Final.zip with 7zip or WinRAR or some form of file archive viewer, I find those two in particular work very well for this. Navigate to /system/framework/framework-res.apk and double-click on it. This should extract and open framework-res.apk in a new window. If not, extract framework-res.apk to your desktop or a temp folder and open with 7zip or WinRAR. In this archive, navigate to /res/drawable-hdpi-v4/stat_sys_signal_0.png and either drag & drop onto your desktop/temp folder or extract it. This is the faulty image that needs to be changed.

Step 2:

Open up GIMP2, go to File|Open and open stat_sys_signal_0.png. Click on the image then hold SHIFT and press the '+' key a couple times to zoom in so you have more working space. You should now see the 4 black signal bars, a small chunk of transparent space and a whole lot of surrounding white space. In the toolbox to the left, select the 4th tool from the left. It is called the Fuzzy Select Tool. Now click once in the white space surrounding the signal bars and transparency. All the white should now be selected. Now click on Edit|Clear or just hit 'Delete' and the white space should be removed being replaced with all transparency. Easy enough. Now click on File|Save - IMPORTANT - Make sure you hit File|Save so it saves with the same filename that it had before. Exit GIMP, plug your phone in your PC via USB and copy that file to your SDCARD to whatever location you deem fit i.e. root or temp folder.

Step 3:

Unplug your phone from USB and load up Ninja Morph. Press the New Project button. Navigate to /system/framework/framework-res.apk. It will now ask you to choose what file you want to change or modify. Navigate to /res/drawable-hdpi-v4/stat_sys_signal_0.png. It will then ask you what file you wish to replace it with. Navigate to wherever you saved the altered stat_sys_signal_0.png and choose it. Press Yes to confirm the switch. Press the Back button on your Droid to go back to the main menu. Press the Finish Project button and choose framework-res.apk. The package will recompile then ask you to confirm your action. Hit Yes to confirm then Yes again to ZipAlign the .apk. It will then popup a dialog box telling you that changes will take place after a reboot. Hit OK to close the dialog box then hit Yes when it asks you to cleanup/delete your project. Exit Ninja Morph, reboot your phone and enjoy a crisp, clean black notification bar!

Ninja Morph is soooo awesome! I wish I knew theming was so easy! Now if I can only figure out how to open those darn .XML files using AXMLPrinter2.jar... I have Java installed but it still won't open... I think I even dl'd a GUI...

Can anyone assist me in how I can alter the Droid Overclock widget? I want to change the border and text to yellow...
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