hey fab is there anyway I can go back to my original lockscreen like in this pic
I also wanted my lockscreen to have the stock "offcenter" look. The files you're looking for are all the files that start with "keyguard" in framework-res.apk's res/layout/ folder. If you see them and their modification date is 4/15/2008, then those are the
centered ones. If the modification date is 2/28/2008, then they're the
off-center ones, which you want. You can download a few roms or the stock froyo rom to look for the offcenter ones, and extract them out.
Getting them onto your phone can be done in a few ways (first you have to locate the 2/28/2008 files and get ahold of them). When you have them, you have to put them into a framework-res.apk file and then get that file onto your phone. The tricky part is using the correct framework-res.apk. If you're using a certain theme, you have to use that theme's framework-res.apk, otherwise when you put it onto your phone you'll have big problems. If you're not using a theme, you have to use your rom's framework-res.apk, otherwise you will have big problems.
Probably the easiest way for most people is to simply download the theme they want or the theme they're currently using, then open up the zip and navigate to /system/framework/framework/framework-res.apk (open with winrar), then within that navigate to res/layout/ and then drag the files right into it (it'll ask you if you want to update the package, say yes). Then put that entire theme onto your SD card and flash it like you normally would from recovery.
What I did instead was just copied my framework-res.apk from my phone's /system/framework/ folder onto my sd card, opened it on my comp and dragged the files in to update it (see above), then copied it back to my phone's /system/framework/ folder and rebooted.
Keep in mind anytime you reflash a theme or rom, that theme or rom will default the lockscreen orientation back to what it is in the theme or rom.
It sounds a lot more complicated than it is... lol