Thinking about trading in GNex for RAZR - A few questions...


Aug 12, 2010
Reaction score
I got the Galaxy Nexus on the day that it launched on VZW. Overall, I REALLY like the phone, but I have two issues with it, and one of them is a deal-breaker. So I want to know if the RAZR has similar issues.

  • THE DEAL-BREAKER for me is the camera on the GNex. I was super excited when I heard that the GNex was going to have "zero shutter lag". I previously had a Droid X, and my biggest gripe with that phone was that I would push the button to take a picture, but by the time that it got around to actually snapping the shutter, the moment had passed (kids/baby/etc). Anyway, the GNex delivers beautifully on the zero shutter lag promise. The problem is that the overall picture quality reminds me of a Polaroid of the 80's. So my question is, how is the shutter lag on the RAZR and how is the overall picture quality? I would say that shutter lag is the most important issue to me, with picture quality being a close 2nd. But the picture quality of the GNex is way too poor.
  • My 2nd issue is that the GNex does not seem to have native support for LED notifications. I have to install an app called Light Flow in order for me to get LED notifications for SMS, emails, missed calls, voicemails, etc. My DX had all of this natively. Light Flow works just ok, not great, and I would much rather have this function built into the OS. Does the RAZR have native and robust support for LED notifications?
The RAZR has a fast shutter. Dont know if its faster than the G Nex. Heard its faster than the Bionics. Camera quality.....I think with the G Nex most are/were in love with the zero shutter lag, and not really thinking about the quality. On the RAZR, even tho its get the best pic by taking your time. If you want fast shots I would use the sports Macro on the camera settings.

Led notification is good on the RAZR like it was on the DX. I think Light Flow is better tho. I use that on my RAZR.
what phone are you coming from....?..i had the og droid and got the simply cant compare the cameras on the two...the razr is light years ahead...
the razr camera sucks only slightly less than the bionc's. WAY Too much digital noise in both and long focus times. The GN easily beats both of those. If you prize camera quality, the GN and HTC rezound are the only good ones in verizon's 4g lineup.
the razr camera sucks only slightly less than the bionc's. Too much digital noise in both and long shutter times. The GN easily beats both of those. If you prize camera quality, the GN and HTC rezound are the only good ones in verizon's 4g lineup.

Do you actually believe anything that you just said??
I was thinking the same thing. The camera focuses in under 2 seconds and puts out nice pictures.

To the OP, check out the GN camera complaints in the Nexus forum. GN owners are complaining about picture quality.

Sent from my DROID RAZR using Tapatalk
Head over to a Verizon store and snap a few shots with the RAZR. I've always been frustrated with cameras on Android devices (OG Droid, GTab, Streak 7), and I have no complaints about the shooter on the RAZR. With the recent update, they improved on the focus speed some more, too. All in all it's a great camera for a phone.
If a superb camera is what you want, the Razr will not be an improvement over the Gnex. It's not slow, but not quite as fast as the Gnex. They both take solid pictures when you allow them to focus. However, the way these phones do the "zero shutter lag" is basically to NOT try and focus again... in other words, you get a focus, and you can snap away - the phone won't try and re-focus unless you move it a lot. Makes it very fast, but makes the pictures subpar at times.

Honestly, if the camera is a high priority, an HTC phone is your best bet. They're quick and take excellent photos - on par with the iPhone in most cases.