oh so droid will be getting flash then? Hmm that is tempting.
So basically if I buy a droid I will have complete customizability?
Does ROOTing and custom ROMs take a lot of large files? I don't have very fast internet at the moment.
Does overclocking make a big difference in smoothing out the menu/browser?
1) Yes, Flash has been confirmed, it's just a matter of time. My bet is that when 2.1 happens, Flash will follow shortly.
2) If you can program it, you can likely do it.
3) ROMS are ~100-150Mb -- they dont take very long to download using the cell network, maybe 10 minutes.
4) I think OC helps a lot, it's sort of personal preference.
Any danger in overclocking? Is it all software driven? Like is the overclock just part of the ROM?
Also do you DL the rom straight to the phone? It runs over the standard GUI? Or does it replace it?
Is the Eris as modable at the Motorola Droid is? As in can it do all the same things? Tether ect..? Run the same apps? Be Rooted?
This is great! VzW and Moto should give us a cut of the profits when you buy your droid!

Danger in overclocking: Minimal...the worst I have seen is when someone has a processor that can't handle the frequency they chose and it goes into a bootloop. That is pretty rare...and you simply fix it by using a lesser frequency.
The Overclock is driven by custom made Kernels that super geniuses have developed. All the available kernels and rom can be found on the this forum. Droid Forums.net is a veritable cornucopia of droid hacking knowledge...I call it my-happy-fun-land-droid-place
I believe that the ROM replaces. For example I am running Ultimate 6.5 (praise be to BlackDroid) which is running the ESE53 base (don't ask I don't know). According to rumor, ESE53 is the build that Moto and VzW were going to release in order to upgrade all Droid to 2.1 (stock droids are 2.0.1). So I am running a modified 2.1 ROM that is overclocked to 1.1GHz. It COOKS
There are serveral ways to modify the GUI aspect of the phone if that is all you want to do. There are Home replacement apps that can add screens, themes, and change the way you access applications ect. There are tools that allow you to just load themes developed by artsy types. There are tools that allow you customize icons etc etc
I looked at both Droid and Eris and Hero. Droid is a better build IMO. Don't know if Eris is 'moddable'....probably is if it is running 2.0.1