This phone belongs to:

Hi bodybagz..I'm not rooted and I haven't added themes either so I probably can't try what you recommended, but the phrase about this phone belongs to seems to have gone away by itself..also...since I know you're very smart I'm going to ask you a question about an unrelated topic (sorry) a few minutes ago I accidentally clicked on a post about sorcery sourcery and I downloaded it without meaning to...what did I do? And how do I get rid of it? Or should I not can pm me or tell me what site to meet you at for the answer.thanks....Linda

Did you just download the file? As long as all you did was download the file, you should be fine. I am assuming you downloaded the Sourcery ROM file?

As long as you havent tried to install or "flash" this file, if it is a ROM file, you should be fine. If you look in your SD card, you should find a folder named "download/s", open it and if you find that file, just delete it...shouldnt hurt anything.

BTW, thank you for the compliment...:p I am really no smarter than the average knuckle dragging, grease monkey computer geek...:)
Hi bodybagz..I'm not rooted and I haven't added themes either so I probably can't try what you recommended, but the phrase about this phone belongs to seems to have gone away by itself..also...since I know you're very smart I'm going to ask you a question about an unrelated topic (sorry) a few minutes ago I accidentally clicked on a post about sorcery sourcery and I downloaded it without meaning to...what did I do? And how do I get rid of it? Or should I not can pm me or tell me what site to meet you at for the answer.thanks....Linda

Did you just download the file? As long as all you did was download the file, you should be fine. I am assuming you downloaded the Sourcery ROM file?

As long as you havent tried to install or "flash" this file, if it is a ROM file, you should be fine. If you look in your SD card, you should find a folder named "download/s", open it and if you find that file, just delete it...shouldnt hurt anything.

BTW, thank you for the compliment...:p I am really no smarter than the average knuckle dragging, grease monkey computer geek...:)
I don't know how to flash so I don't think did that...and where do I find the sd card? They have me listed as a junior droid but I'm still really a noob at any of this stuff your so good at bodybagz...So to me you're very smart!!!! Id like to learnhow to do all the fun stuff once I get a little more knowledge and confidence lol. Thanks again and I'll look out for your post. Linda
I don't know how to flash so I don't think did that...and where do I find the sd card? They have me listed as a junior droid but I'm still really a noob at any of this stuff your so good at bodybagz...So to me you're very smart!!!! Id like to learnhow to do all the fun stuff once I get a little more knowledge and confidence lol. Thanks again and I'll look out for your post. Linda
The AVG apps ability to put a message onto the lock screen is great. Have not seen that any where else. Thanks for the heads up.
I don't know how to flash so I don't think did that...and where do I find the sd card? They have me listed as a junior droid but I'm still really a noob at any of this stuff your so good at bodybagz...So to me you're very smart!!!! Id like to learnhow to do all the fun stuff once I get a little more knowledge and confidence lol. Thanks again and I'll look out for your post. Linda
No problem...glad to help when I can...

As far as where to find your SD Card...just follow these instructions below...:)

Forgive me if these instructions are written as if you have no idea what you are doing...I would rather do it step by step and you already know it, than to assume you know some of it and actually is not be trying to "dumb it down", but only to make it simple.

The supplied USB cable will connect your Droid X to your PC and allow you to move the files to your PC , and from the PC back to the phone as well in a matter of minutes.

1) Connect the USB cable to the phone and PC...wait a few seconds...

2) That few seconds was to allow the SD card to "mount" if it needed to in order to be read by the PC. If it didnt "mount", then it more than likely is in "USB Charge Only Mode"..and we will address that next.

3) Now, reach up and "drag" down the Notification Bar Screen...anywhere in the middle of the bar will do and just "tap/drag" at the same time should work.

4) If it opened properly, you should now see "USB Connected"...tap it to bring up a pop-up window with 4 options. USB Mass Storage Mode, USB PC Mode, USB Charge Only Mode and Windows Media Sync Mode...we will be using USB Mass Storage mode, so tap it..

5) You may see in the Notification Bar an icon of an SD card doing a little "dance"..this is the SD card mounting again...its normal. Once it does its thing to completion, your PC is likely to open a folder showing more folders...this is the contents of your SD card. If it doesnt, we can do that manually by going to "My Computer" on your PC and click the "new" drive that has popped should read as 16GB or so...

6) From here, you can navigate through the folders by using your PC just as you would folders on the actual PC.

7) The DCIM folder is where all the pictures you take with the camera are stored, as well as videos.

8) The Media folder is generally where you will find an Audio and Music folder...drag and drop mp3 files to the music folder if you like...

9) The Audio folder is where Ringtones and Notification Tones can be stored, folders labeled as such should already be present in the Audio folder.

Any other questions, feel free to ask...I will try to answer them as best as I can...:)
I'm sorry but can you resend the step by stepinstructions again..I deleted them by accident..I was reading them when I was half asleep and I touched delete instead of archive..really sorry (& really dumb) no rush because I work constantly until tues and won't be able to try them till wednesday. Ttyl..Linda.. Ps the directions looked perfect..I'm hopeless with a pc. .that's why it took so long to get a"real" phone..took a lot of courage...Linda

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