I went through this very same scenario. I've been waiting a couple days to see if the other shoe would drop. On the third week of ownership, I think I might have pulled an app down that just made the OS go nuts cause it started getting hot. Really hot. After it started killing the battery (sign of no sleep and continuous activation), I did a factory reset deleting everything. Went ahead and installed the very basics. Did the drain and recharge like I just bought it. Drained till phone shut off and then back to 100%. Next day was better, but the battery was still getting hot and I watched as 100% went to 30% in less than 5 hours without doing anything really. No wifi, GPS, no apps, just a couple texts and a quick run on the internet through 3G.
So, I took it to VZW, they looked at it, felt the heat..I trained the guy behind the counter the *#*#4636#*#* test mode and he thanked me with a new battery through warranty. He was going to anyways, but nevertheless.
I took that initial charge to zero (or as close as possible) and then did the 100%. First two days of service have been well over a day of charge...with mild use. Not too much of anything, but if I stay on the phone for more than a few minutes, you can obviously feel some warm, but definitely not hot. I stretched yesterdays charge almost 30 hours.
Mind you, I have the mildest settings. Battery saver mode (which am not sure if it makes a difference but I don't mind it being there so I keep it on that mode), Power Control widget gets most use. I keep wifi off unless I need it, GPS stays off unless I turn it on (or an app does)..but I make sure it stays off, I have no excess widgetry pulling in the backgorund. Facebook is set to auto-sync over wifi only and refresh only if I make it. Same with Yahoo mail, turned the pull rate to once and hour. If I need it more, I tell it refresh. I'm habitual about squeezing the standby/lock button on top every time I set the phone down to minimize on the screen just sitting on for no reason...and the brightness is set to auto. And also, under Data Delivery, I still have background data on and data roam on so as not to completely cut myself off.
Even now...9h40m and my DX has 60%+.
If you feel like the battery is smokin' warm/hot. Check your apps, definitely go through your settings to see if it might be you that is asking for too much all the time. You might consider a factory reset (under privacy) and start over. If you can show the VZW guy/girl that it just isn't the way it should be, they seem more than happy to work a warranted battery (free) for you.