Nice. Thread.
But since we're here, i was wondering what the heck is up with my phone becuse i did somtihn g to it that i don remember i think i booted into booteloader or recovery and now it just hangs on the moon and thjen i sdf'd it and then i flahsed my but and now it just wont do a ny thing so then i tried a purple haze theme and that fixed it byut then it start6ed acing up agin and so i decided to totaly wipe it on my but and flahs the sdcard and then nothing happpend why dosnt it wurk anymore ithgouth i did every thing rite and follow the guide and now im stuck wit a phone that just sits here and goes . . . . .
ok few things i gotta ask first.
do u have a task killer? how many dogs do u have? why does a magnet attract another magnet? whats the meaning of life? why does :icon_ banana: have arms when its a fruit???!?
youre gonna need a few things here to fix this: SDF file. a miracle. 2 packages of hot dog buns (dont get the cheap kind). someone names chaz. 2 feet of duct tape. and probably a lizard the way i think its gonna go.
if you have any questions, feel free to
-The Rescue Squad.