I returned the TB the battery was terrible, as was the 3g signal, and the in-call sound quality.
I'm just cofused by this post... you'd rather be a guinea pig for the LTE radio which is brand new than dual-core which has been downsized, but is essentially old tech?
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I'll agree about the battery, when you use your phone for internet and stuff, the battery slowly drains away especially the stock one. My phone now has been off the charger for 8 hours, and it's 81%. I haven't used it a lot, I've sent/received about 30-40 texts made two 2 minute phone calls and facebook a little. This I think is decent now. The 3G signal idk what to say, maybe your device was bad? Because I get better service with this phone than I did with my DX, I have more 4G bars at home then I did with my DX on 3G. Call quality is good, I can't complain. This phone is very loud, as was my DX (this one even louder perhaps)except the DX had 3 mics which helped with noise cancellation etc.
I'm not being a guinea pig for LTE, LTE is a service. If I think 4G sucks I can turn it off and use 3G as you're using on your phone. So I'm not really testing anything. But with dual core technology, who the hell knows how they'll run on these phones? A lot of people are saying that when the bionic first comes out the software won't fully support the dual core. I was the guinea pig for a lot of different phones and I wasn't happy with the results in the end. My smartphones so far have been: storm (horrible), D1 (decent...never hacked it), DX (great phone), TB (better than DX, worse battery).
It sucks that to make these phones run properly we have to hack them. There's not one smart phone out there that can run the way you want it to, perfectly, as a customer without hacking it.