Ok, RW will step in here and give ou all the REAL answer:
DO what you feel is right for your Droid!!!
If you feel the need, want, warm fuzzy that you get from running a task killer, that it is handling things that the OS cannot and is keeping your OS at the absolute peak of running perfection, then by all means go for it!
If you feel that the OS is running top notch (ROM bugs not withstanding
) and doesn't need further assistance, and you have a warm fuzzy from knowing that your Droid in that state is good to go then by all means don't go for it!
Now, that said, I don't run with one. I've had Shopsavvy drive me nuts on a few occassions, running all of a sudden using the GPS, and have emailed the app dev as to why it does so.
I've seen other processes start up, and then stop on their own. It is true that the OS will kill a process if not used in a certain period of time to free up that RAM.
I can see how a task killer will kill off certain processes automatically. However the OS has that capability as well, and so do many other apps; Astro has a task killer in tools.
So again without bias, I refer you back to my first two secrets.
Try it and see how YOUR Droid runs, then take it off and see how YOUR Droid runs.
Every Droid is different (and Sacred, sorry had to put in a MP pun there
) therefore your experience will vary.
That, is the beauty of the whole Android experience.
By the way, for those interested, I loaded up FRG01B yesterday, but this time I'm running P3's LV 250/1000 instead of the 125. Having it at 250 min sped up my boot time, and also seems to have averted homescreen redraws (though I'm still evaluating if it was that or FRG01B itself), I use ADW.