Active Member
Yes. It automatically downloads it from their servers, hashchecks it, extracts it, and flashes it. There is also an option to just point the program to a google factory img package you downloaded yourself and it will take care of the rest.
{{ WugFresh }}
ok thanks for the help wug. i tried using the toolkit on xda to see if it detected the adb and fastboot devices and decided i may as well try to install drivers on that and i fear may have made a mistake doing that. I would really liek to just start with a clean slate if possible. any ideas on what to do for that?
also, so the order of buttons to do everything, download drivers and edit system path, root and unlock, and install a permanent clockwork recover. the button order is (tell me if this is right)
1. drivers
2. system variables
3. unlock
4. root
5. check flash (permanent)
6. recover <<< also, which recovery is this?