Top 5 Android Nerd Apps




I've noticed around the internet that there are a lot of Top 5 or Top 10 Apps articles, but most of those typically refer to the best applications that we all know and use everyday on our Droids. I thought it would be cool to fire off a list of my favorite 5 'Nerd' apps. These are the apps that could be useful in certain niche environments, or they may just be cool in a geeky kinda way.

My list is in no particular order, as I didn't really want to come up with some arbitrary complex rating system to determine what ultimately is subjective anyway. Also, your favorite 'Nerd Apps' are probably different than mine, and that is the point actually. I am sure there are several apps out there that many of us haven't seen but would like to check out. Please sound off in the forums with your favorite top 5 'Nerd' apps or more, so that we can all share in the geeky love!

Here is my list (again, in no particular order):

So, what's on your nerd/geek list?

By dgstorm
Hypnotoad and Tricorder. The Tricorder actually had a use at one point for me, but Hypnotoad just proves how much of a nerd I am.


HP48 graphing calculator emulater.

You need to be a nerd to know what a HP48 is, and even more so to want an emulater on your phone.
Hypnotoad and Tricorder. The Tricorder actually had a use at one point for me, but Hypnotoad just proves how much of a nerd I am.


I have to agree on the tricorder. Very useful I haven't downloaded the Hypnotoad just yet but will now that I know it exists. I never have been able to find that channel on DirecTV.

HP48 graphing calculator emulater.

You need to be a nerd to know what a HP48 is, and even more so to want an emulater on your phone.

Hmmm, I could see how that might be useful.

How about an HP12c emulator? I could use that!

HP48 graphing calculator emulater.

You need to be a nerd to know what a HP48 is, and even more so to want an emulater on your phone.

I have that one and a real one. We used to use them as data collectors for our total station in surveying. Theres even a site with hacks for them, too.
I must admit to downloading (and falling in love with) the Minecraft Canary app. It helps so much!
Amen to that!
Also check out Mineserve, allows you to manage your minecraft multiplayer server from your phone :D


HP48 graphing calculator emulater.

You need to be a nerd to know what a HP48 is, and even more so to want an emulater on your phone.

Also, for those of us who think front-wards :p TIEmulator
emulates most of TI's lineup, even the 89Titanium!

HP48 graphing calculator emulater.

You need to be a nerd to know what a HP48 is, and even more so to want an emulater on your phone.

I still have both of mine. :icon_ banana: