I don't own one yet, but I didn't see anything in regard to actuall cell phone reception in fringe areas.
Where I live, those with HTCs, be they Windows or Android devices, on the Verizon network have weak cell phone reception or no cell phone reception in the fringe areas; whereas, those with Motorolas, either regular cell phones or android devices, obtain better reception in the fringe areas.
When I say fringe, I mean a few miles outside of town in the desert areas; not in town where they all work great.
All are on Verizon since that is basically the only real option in this area. Spring is very weak outside of town if there is any signal at all. AT&T is only EDGE, and don't believe there is any t-mobile (if there is, no one sell it and I know of no one who has it).
So, reception is more important than the minor differences between screens or even the complaints about moto blur (which many I know, like it).
I wlll add that my two BB Tours are as good, if not a bit better for reception in the fringe areas than any of the android devices, but even though I have to remain on the BB leash for work related communications, I will be leaving my personal Tour in the desk drawer come December when I upgrade to (what appears to be) a Droid X.
So, what is best for some is not best for others.
On a more personal note, I like the looks of the HTC models like the incredible, but like a larger screen. I also am not that familiar with blur vs sense, and from playing with both phones, don't care. I am also not the type to root, rom or even dance with the phonedancedroid.
And even though when I'm out deep in the boondocks I have an Iridium Sat phone for emergency purposes, I like the idea of a phone that can possibly obtain coverage in areas you would not think a cell phone would work.