Not trying to be funny but are you serious or just being sarcastic/funny? You rebooted once, right?
he is not a little paranoid, and he is not being sarcastic.
it's become the norm that products are being sold to consumers not completely baked thru properly. and this is not right, especially for the money a modern smartphone fetches these days. $ 500 + for something like a mobile phone is twicefold the price of the device manufacture costs, and manufacturers/carriers make their money back within a month or 2 of service provided (including the discounted cost of the device), if that -- as a matter of fact, carriers want you to see the retail price to make you think that the discounted price is a favor or something. at the volumes we're talking about, a device like the thunderbolt would probably cost verizon less than $ 300 to get from HTC.
so i find it blasphemous that i have to deal with random reboots and other such quirks on my phone, when i know what i'm holding in my hand costs about $ 450-$ 500.
that's a monthly payment on a car, or half the average mortgage monthly payment.
why should we then deal with glitches, leaving it up to the customers and tech savvy folks to try to figure out workarounds and fixes to manufacturing/software defects, pure BS.
good on those returning their devices to carriers when there is an issue. because that shows them we are not guinea pigs