Transfer photos from Mac to Droid Incredible


New Member
Jul 30, 2010
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I have been at it for hours now...

I see instructions all over the map.

So far...

Have "mounted" phone to Mac by designating the photo as an external drive.

I have cragged photos from a file on my Mac to the phone incon on Finder.

As well...

i have dragged the same photo files to the DCIM folder as well as the 100Media folder within the DCIM folder.

I have taken out the battery (bizarre) and put it back in (what Verizon
actually told me was needed).

The photos simply do not show up.

Any help is greatly appreciated.
When you're saying they're not showing up, are you referring to in the gallery? Or just looking at the sd card via a file manager (with the card not mounted to the computer of course)? If its the gallery, what format are your pictures in?