I'm glad you added this because I would have to beat 'cho behind lol!! j/k Hey I happen to like Apple's computersThe iPhone is a great device and while I prefer the Droid many of my friends who are non-techie and fashion conscience really love the iPhone, the iPhone is generally more polished and slick but the Droid genuinely does more stuff, it took me 2+ weeks to get used to the keyboard and now I can use it like a pro, it's not the greatest keyboard but once you're used to it it's as good as any other.
The droid certainly is the most capable phone on the market but what the iphone does it generally looks cooler while doing.
Of course similar to you the clincher for me was the network, I left Verizon once and I won't do it again despite their over-pricedness.
This is why MANY (though not all) people love Apple products. They feel it endows them with a sense of being "in" or "tech savvy"... :rofl3:... that's one reason they are often so hated by many actual techies (and again, I'm not talking about the few actually techie Apple users).

I finally had enough of it (Windows XP) and turned my desktop into a linux server and now use it as a downloading machine