The problem is the drivers as you stated.... there are a few things that have worked for people...
1. when you see the mass storage driver pop up in recovery.... manually install the driver from sdk/tools/usd-drivers and it will work for some...
2. Use the sdcard pull method has also worked for some. (pull out the sdcard while in recovery mode and then put it back in.... windows sometimes see's this and installs the proper driver.
I was following the 10min root instructions and in the sdk folder provided it does not include /sdk/tools/usb-drivers
If you need to actually have the entire android sdk installed then the 10min instuction video is wrong and will fail for anyone without sdk full install
After you run the setup for the SDK, you are given the options of which packages to install.... you need to scroll down the list to the bottom and select USB Drivers... and it will put them in your sdk/tools folder.
Well I have to say then that the video is not noob compatible as it tells you NOT to do anything the sdk setup. I will give that a try though.