I can't wait untill the ota does hits leaked userseven tho moto said it wouldnt.
I'm betting it was just a scare tactic to stop other people from doing it
For people on the leaked 2.2 that are rooted, it will be an easy update to the official 2.2, but it won't be via an OTA update. Motorola was just basically saying that the OTA update wouldn't be available to those with the leaked 2.2
This means that for those running 2.2 that are UNROOTED, the only way you can get the official 2.2 is either by rooting your leaked 2.2 and installing the custom ROM with the official 2.2 kernel or by doing an SBF Flash back to 2.1 and then doing the Over the Air update.
I will be going straight to the official 2.2 from the leaked 2.2 because I am rooted.