Trying to go to gingerbread

First, you should know that you're not annoying at all.

Second, try putting your phone in bootloader mode THEN plugging it in. If it brings up the annoying VZW website, you're not in bootloader mode.

Third, your issues with RSD Lite are pretty common. Instead of trying to use RSD Lite, if the above doesn't work, I would recommend in this case that you use Method #2, which entails burning an .iso to a CD and booting your PC from that to SBF your phone. It bypasses all stupid windows issues with drivers and everything. Seriously feel free to ask all the questions you need to. That's what these forums exist for.
Yea ok I tried with bootloader mode and the Vrz website didn't pop up like you said. I still can't install the PC Charger in bootloader mode but from your tone i'm guessing that shouldn't matter. It still won't show up in the RSD so I will try method #2 when I get a blank CD. Thanks for all the help and patience Kesey!
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Just as an update last night I bought a blank CD and wrote the iso in it. I have to say anyone that have the same problems as me use method 2 in the link above! It works beautifully and its so so easy compared to drivers painful installations on windows! Write the iso in a blank CD and the rest is super easy and in less than one hour you will have Liberty Gingerbread up and running and it looks simply awesome! I recommend it for every DROID X user!

Thank you for all the help above and all the developers who made this possible! Great work!

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