Yeah, I could send it to Motorola, but it surely has water damage, so would that accomplish anything?
I would think they would quote a repair cost and then its your decision, repair vs. replace.
Yeah, I could send it to Motorola, but it surely has water damage, so would that accomplish anything?
You can build one, or you can readily buy one. As fine as the wires are, the soldering on this isn't for the feint of heart
But it can charge the battery, but that won't matter if the device is fried...
FoxKat, where are you....(to the tune of car 54...)
I don't want to give any misinformation here, but when I was researching my problem, I saw schematics for building a "factory cable". If I remember right, this allows you to power up the phone with a dead battery. The reason I mention this is this would allow you to partition the problem between the battery and the phone itself. If the phone will not power up with this cable, the motherboard/phone itself would be suspect. If the phone worked with this cable, it would point to the battery or related charging circuit.
I would think they would quote a repair cost and then its your decision, repair vs. replace.
Would I have a 3rd option? Do nothing and return?
Would you advise against going to a local repair store to get a quote?
Well its cooked anyways.. but if moto repaired it there would be a warranty. Anywhere else.. idksorry
Didn't think about that.
Well if something doesn't magically happen in the next 24 hours it will get shipped off to moto for a repair.
Sorry couldn't be of more help, please post updates/final resolution so we know for future ref. Thx, JB
Since you already had it open once, do you own a Torx T5 driver (very small)? If so, disconnect the battery terminals, put a piece of paper between them and the ribbon cable to keep them electrically insulated, then plug in the Factory cable and see if the phone wakes. If it doesn't, and the phone is DRY, your MOBO is toast.
is there any observable damage to the physical casing of the phone? specifically cracks or areas of separation?