there is a simple way to conserve battery and turn off 3G
Goto Settings > Wireless > Mobile Networks and check the 2G only box.
This has the following result. Your Network is ONLY operating on gprs or EDGE, and there is no parallel connection for Phone calls AND data at the same time.But, it really conserves battery.
I have 2g always....except when surfing in the train. or googlin stuff.
It works perfect for me![]()
ON ANOTHER NOTE: I found this out by simply Googling it and testing it. The thing is,... like most support forums or even "" type sites there are always a hundred people who don't have a single clue and place "guesstimates" that throw people off. They are the ones who start by saying "well uh....i don't know for sure but.... i think" or "i don't think...." if that's you, then just a quick note to you....STOP IT. unless you know, keep away from the keyboard, no matter hooooooowwww helpful you think you will be. You make people go through a ton of different hoops and wrong assumptions. And even in this case of THIS THREAD....not a single right answer (and even an ADMINISTRATOR put his two WRONG cents in...) UNBELIEVABLE. UNLESS YOU KNOW, KEEP AWAY FROM THE KEYBOARD. keep your "guesses" and "theories" and let the people who are trying to get answers HAVE REAL ANSWERS.
These "guesstimates" show the OP that they're not being ignored. Even if we don't know a solution right off hand, it's still a bit comforting to know that people are willing to help.
We may not "have real answers," but 95% of the time, DF figures it out.