New Member
Correct me if I'm wrong, but you cannot get a refund for most downloaded or store-bought software of any type correct? If you buy a PS3 game, or a PC program at Best Buy or whatever once it's opened it's yours. Not sure why things should be different when it's so easy for people to pirate apps if they see fit. Fifteen minutes is fine.
The only reason software has never been returnable like other consumer products, is it can be installed (stolen) before it is returned. Otherwise it would have been like anything else you buy from a store - a week or whatever to return it.
So this sorta stunk for the honest customer who would have only returned a piece of software because they seriously didn't want it and weren't going to use it. And while not being able to return something they had reecently purchased was certainly new and annoying, they got used to it.
The different now is, Google can remotely "uninstall" any software from any Android phone, anytime - effectively eliminating "theft".
So with the needed infrastructure already in place - it's really easy to give the customer a much better purchase experience than the dreaded "panic evaluation."