I gave RC2 a run for about a week but had to revert back to 2.5.
I had constant FC's (that a new launcher could have fixed I know), my Swype keyboard wouldn't work, random errors with the app drawer not showing all my apps. Obviously the camera wasn't working but the final straw was the fact that sometimes my email through exchange just wouldn't update. I missed a very important email because my phone (even after doing a manual refresh) didn't show for that message for 4 hours after it went through our exchange server!
This is my work phone, it is what I rely on to get my email messages after hours and during the weekends. My ability to get email and make calls is the only determination I make for absolute reasoning on ROMs.
I loved some of the improvments with this update and can't wait to try it again when some more of the bugs are ironed out.
Keep up the great work!