Ultimate Droid 7.0! Download link below, pictures below that and change log under pictures! Enjoy!!!
Download Ultimate Droid 7.0!! Ftp download courtesy of DF!! Thanks guys!
Recommended Kernels are from Chevy and cvpcs
UD Settings Screen Shots:
New Overhauld Music Player Screenshots: (Now Playing Screen and Widgets in both Portrait and Landscape)
Ultimate Droid Froyo eXtreme 7.0.0 Changelog:
- Fixed disapearing music widgets (blackdroid)
- Custom Ultimate Droid Clock Widget (blackdroid)
- Now have choice of 4 launchers (2D, 3D, ADW, and Launcher Pro - Default)
- Added customizable deskclock app (customizable scrensaver and more - cyanogenmod)
- Added back Vibrate to Silent Mode in the volume rocker and lockscreens (blackdroid)
- Now can switch between the stock and modified versions of Phone, Email, and Music (UD Settings - blackdroid)
- Added all of the features from the stock lockscreen (music controls, menu to unlock, ect - blackdroid - UD Settings - Input Settings)
- The audio settings from Ultimate Droid is now its own app (with equalizer and special settings for phone, handset and bluetooth)- > DSPManager (alankila)
- Added multitouch keyboard from the Droid2 as the stock keyboard (blackdroid)
- New long list of ringtones from the Droid, DroidX, Incredible, Nexus, and Dorid 2 (blackdroid)
- All apps in ud extras have been updated (facebook, pandora, twitter, ect) (blackdroid)
- New much more useable quickoffice from the Droid 2 (blackdroid)
- Updated to new google voice seach app
- Updated to googles latest search app
- updated superuser to
- added 10 more boot animations (coming as update)
- added 10 more live wallpapers (coming as update)
Ultimate Droid Froyo eXtreme 6.0.0 Changelog:
- Built using FRG22 priority files (Much, much faster and smoother)
- Rotary LockScreen XD (Rotary Locksreen on Froyo - Yet another Ultimate Droid First) (Credit to Blackdroid)
- Ultimate Droid Extras (Fonts, bootanimations, Live Wallpapers, and Lockscreens) now has a picture menu (credit to Blackdroid)
- The Ultimate Droid Settings Menu has a new "Audio Settings" Category (Equalizer, Headset Virtual Room Effect, and Dynamic Range Compression) - (Credit to Alankila, Kmobs/ Cyanogenmod )
- Fixed black on black color issues with themes (Now all program notifications will adhere to the special notification colors settings in the UI settings - Credit to mtwebster)
- Added fix for Froyo's streaming audio quality issue (UD Settings -> Audio Settings - credit to Blackdroid)
- Better Wireless Support
- Better VPN Support (credit to cvpcs (modules), cyanogenmod (some patches and fixes))
- Fixed Flashing of Recoveries
Ultimate Droid Froyo eXtreme 5.0.0 Changelog:
- Extra apps are no longer bundled with the update, they now both download AND install from the built-in applications menu (Credit to Blackdroid)
- New incremental update process (Allows for small fixes or upgrades to be pushed to your phone without having to flash a complete update - credit to Blackdroid)
- Ultimate Droid Extras - the ability to download and install fonts, bootanimations, and livewallpapers right from the UD Settings menu (Credit to Blackdroid)
- Built-in backup and restore (backs up and restores all app and ud extras - fonts, bootanimation, live wallpaper, and built-in apps - Blackdroid)
- Added option to switch build fingerpints from the UD settings (UD Settings -> Application Settings - Blackdroid)
- Custom Protips widget (displays helpful hits and tips on how to use features contained in UD - Credit to RafficaX)
- Added the ability to flash sp or clockwork recovery (UD Settings -> Quick Commands - credit to Blackdroid)
- Customizable invisible pattern unlock screen (Settings -> Location & Security - Credit to Wyise)
- Updated lockscreen music controls (works with any music player and option for always on - Credit to Kmobs)
- Added abiltiy to configure rotation settings (UD Settings -> User Interface -> Rotation Settings - Credit to jonasl)
- Customizable recent apps list (UD Settings -> Input Settings -> Long Press Home Settings - Credit to Wyise)
- Customizable long press on home key (UD Settings -> Input Settings -> Long Press Home Settings - Credit to Wyise)
- Menu to unlock lockscreen (UD Settings -> Input Settings - Credit to Kmobs)
- Updated maps to version 4.4
- Updated astro
Ultimate Droid Froyo eXtreme 4.00 Changelog:
- resycned with googles source
- based off of FRG01 (thanks to P3Droid for the leak)
- updated stock kernel to latest kernel source (better battery life, produces less heat)
- added back automatic godmode
- made some changes to the theme of the phone app
- new apps2sd method (credit to cyanogenmod - Ultimate Droid Settings - Application Settings)
- eXtrememod - customizable livewallpaper (credit to RafficaX)
- added full 360 rotation (credit to jonasl)
- added option for notification light while screen is on (credit to cvpcs - Ultimate Droid Settings - User Interface)
- music controls on the lockscreen (credit to kmobs - Ultimate Droid Settings - User Interface)
- added play/pause functionality to the camera button when screen is locked (credit to cvpcs)
- Full Exchange Support and passwords during syncing optional (credit to cavillis)
- Fixed black on black music notification and download text
- added back flash_image
- added back powertop
Ultimate Droid Froyo eXtreme 3.5.0 Changelog:
- resycned with googles source
- FRF91 and FRF84B files and propriataries
- Changed the fingerprint and certain elements of the build.prop in order to have better backwards compatiblilty with more programs (such as slingbox, and some older games)
- New stock theme (made with images from Insanely Clean (by Insaneneiviesis), Black Glass (by 928Droid), Dark Edge (by Xeudoxus and REALigion), Smoked Theme (by AdamZ), and Nextheme (by Manup456)
- added in sysctl support
- fixed the contacts app issue
- added vibrate to ringer status (blackdroid)
- added a few memory tweaks (75mb of memory free)
- added trasparancy back to status bar and pulldown (blackdroid)
- added black backdground option back to mms (credit to jeagoss)
- zipalign on install of applications (credit to cyanogenmod)
- added ability to download any file type (credit to kmobs, chris soyars)
- added cytown phone enhancements v30.1 (with flip to silence feature - credit to cytown)
- removed now obsolete commands from the Ultiamte Droid settings menu
Ultimate Droid Froyo eXtreme 3.0.0 Changelog:
- Made a lot of improvements to the Ultimate Droid Launchers
*Smoothness of screen switching has increased 10 fold even with live wallpapers enabled
* All 4 shortcuts on the launcher are now customizable and can be deleted (press all apps button, drag any app from the open launcher to either open space on the side)
* Shortcuts now work in landscape as well as portrait
* Added haptic feedback to quick uninstall feature (drag app from launcher and hover over trash can until you get the notification and drop to uninstall)
* Added restart option to launcher
- WyContacts (contacts enhancements - for froyo - credit to Wysie, ChaninDD, greesun, niuchi, rac2030, sileht, and others)
- Added some extra features to the Mms app (credit to ruqqq)
- Updated the UI Tweaks - Reorganized and Fixed Import/Export feature
- Customized the Protips widget, now the Ultimate Droid Tips widget
- YouTube widget now works with no issues
- All apps now restore after a full wipe
- Fixed All Geolocation issues
- Fixed Double Search in Market issue
Ultimate Droid Froyo eXtreme 2.5.0 Changelog:
- Added to new features to the Ultimate Droid Launchers
* Smoother scrolling speed in both 2D and 3D launcher
* Added 2 customizable shortcuts to the bottom of the launcehers (drap app from open launcher to either open space on the side
* Added quick uninstall (drag app from launcher and hover over trash can until you get the notification and drop to uninstall)
- Added Super Mario Live Wallpaper
- Battery Status overlay is now configurable
- Updated to latest Overhauled Music app, now has "5" widgets
- Fixed Mms issues with stock mms and handcent app
- Re-coded UI Tweaks in Ultimate Settings to work better
- Facebook sync fixed
- Fixed a few bluetooth issues
- Spoofed Market to fixed missing paid apps in market
- The clock can now be removed - UI Tweaks
Ultimate Droid Froyo eXtreme 2.0.0 Changelog:
- 2 NEW Custom Froyo Launchers!!! (blackdroid) Version 1.0
2D and 3D Launcher
7 screens
Auto Rotation
Double Tap for previews
Ability to hide icon tiles
Ability to disable long press on screen
4 quickshortcuts /2 customizable (Version 2.0)
Ability to change speed of the animations (Version 2.0)
Ability to change the amount of rows and columns (Version 2.0 – 2D)
- Added reboot AND reboot to recovery to shutdown thread (long hold of power button - blackdroid)
- Added long presses for volume buttons to skip and go back to previous songs while screen on standby (cyanogenmod)
- Added battery percentage overlay (cyanogenmod)
Ultimate Droid Froyo eXtreme 1.5.0 Changelog:
- Ported the overhauled music player to froyo (credit to eliot stocker – proted by blackdroid)
- Added custom mms app with extra settings (credit to ruqqq)
- Move cache to sd card (quick command to Ultimate Settings menu)
- Droidx live wallpaper fixed, with new background (now works in sync with other live wallapers – credit to britoso – modified by me)
- Removed extra google search app
- Fixed amazon mp3 force close
Ultimate Droid Froyo eXtreme 1.2.5 Changelog:
- 270 Rotation (360 to come next build)
- Added auto rotation to the 3D launcher (Ultimate Droid Settings – Credit to blackdroid)
- Added ability to change the color of any element of the framework and import special color settings (clock, -notifications, battery status overlay, ect – credit to wyise)
- Added Transition, Window, and Fancy Animations to Ultimate Droid Settings (Credit to blackdroid)
- Updated Pandora and wireless tethering app
- Droid X Live Wallaper Replaced With Nexus Live wallpapers for the time (to ensure that the other live wallpapers work properly)
- Fixed Car Dock Issue
Known Issue:
- Facebook Contact Sync Ability is not enabled (twitter will sync)
Ultimate Droid Froyo eXtreme 1.0.0 Changelog:
- Ultimate Droid eXteme is now made from source
- Added all features previously featured on the Froyo eXtreme alpha, beta, and release canadites
- The Ultimate Droid Control Center and all of its settings have been moved to the Settings in settings -> Ultimate Droid (picture below)
- Added Apps2sd Auto, On, and Off to Quick Commands in the Ultimate Droid Settings menu
- Replaced stock boot animation with Droid X boot animation
- Added Droid X Live Wallpaper
- Added in Droid X ringtones
Known Issue:
- Facebook Contact Sync Ability is not enabled (twitter will sync)
Ultimate Droid Froyo eXtreme (RC2) Changelog:
- Fixed Random Reboot Issue
- Added Ability to Disable the apps2sd hack (under quick commands in ultimate droid control center)
Ultimate Droid Froyo eXtreme (RC1) Changelog:
- FRF57 base (credit to Google)
- Fully Deodexed System (credit to Google)
- Fully Zipaligned System (credit to blackdroid)
- All Images Optimized (Credit to blackdroid)
- Added Battery Status to battery images (Credit to blackdroid
- Block all adds in apps and browser by default (Credit to blackdroid)
- Less cpu intensive live wallpapers (idea from Chevy)
- Shortened ring delay (Credit to blackdroid)
- Increased wifi scan intervals (saves battery life - Credit to blackdroid)
- Camera Sounds disabled by default (credit to blackdroid)
- Version Information In Settings -> About Phone (credit to blackdroid)
- All commands in busybox and toolbox have been symlinked (credit to blackdroid)
- Added Wireless Tethereing App (credit to android project)
- Added Adobe Flash (drops on sdcard for easy installation with a file manager such as Astro - Credit to blackdroid)
- 3 Themes Available (Smoked, Nextheme, and Droptheme - themed facebook, pandora, and twitter included - all fully optimized - Links Below)
Added the Ultimate Droid Control Center which gives you: (Screenshots Below - No Custom Scripts Necessary) (Credit to blackdroid - made from source)
Quick Commands ("What Makes Scripts Obsolete" - The ability to use any command without the need of a terminal)
* Apps2sd Hack (Gives you the ability to install any app to your sdcard - using this hack will cause some widgets for some apps not to show)
* God Mode (Gives you the abiltiy to view or edit any file with any file manager)
* Reboot
* Reboot Recovery (Reboots into recovery mode)
* Power Off (Powers off the phone)
* Install2system (installs apps from /sdcard/system to /system/apps)
* mount system read/write (mounts the system read/write)
* mount system readOnly (mounts the system read only)
* free 50mb (keeps 50mb of system memory free)
* free 75mb (keeps 75mb of system memory free)
* free 100mb (keeps 100mb of system memory free)
* Sound On (disables camera and video recorder sounds)
* Sound Off (enables camera and video recorder sounds)
* Show All Ads (shows all adds in browser and applications)
* Block All Ads (disables all adds in browser and applications)
* Disable Boot Animation (disables the boot animation)
* Enable Boot Animation (re-enables the boot animation)
* Change speed off all animations
Built-In Applications (Allows all included applications and some system applications to be easily uninstalled and reinstalled):
-Extra Apps
* Amazon Mp3 Music Store (credit to Google)
* Chrome to Phone (credit to Google)
* Facebook (Included as an extra themed app in UD Themes - Does not come stock - Credit to blackdroid)
* Native Instant Messenger (Credit to credit to Zappletoo)
* Old Media Dock (Included 2.0 Alarm Clock App - Credit to blackdroid)
* Pandora (Included as an extra themed app in UD Themes - Does not come stock - Credit to blackdroid)
* Native Usable Quick Office (Credit to Pete)
* Usable Sound Recorder (From G1)
* Twitter (Included as an extra themed app in UD Themes - Does not come stock - Credit to blackdroid)
* Wireless Tethering App (credit to the android project)
-System Apps
* Calculator
* Email App
* Launcher
* Mms App
* Native Browser
* News and Weather App
Device Info:
- Battery History
- Battery Information
- Usage Statistics
- Memory Usage (To see how much storage you have, and how much has been used up in system, data, cache, and your sdcard)
Tools & Utilites:
- Busybox
- Flash Image
- Dropbear
- Bash Shell
- Zipalign
- Toolbox
If you like UD and BlackDroids work, Donations are appreciated :blackdroid:

Download Ultimate Droid 7.0!! Ftp download courtesy of DF!! Thanks guys!
Recommended Kernels are from Chevy and cvpcs

UD Settings Screen Shots:

New Overhauld Music Player Screenshots: (Now Playing Screen and Widgets in both Portrait and Landscape)

Ultimate Droid Froyo eXtreme 7.0.0 Changelog:
- Fixed disapearing music widgets (blackdroid)
- Custom Ultimate Droid Clock Widget (blackdroid)
- Now have choice of 4 launchers (2D, 3D, ADW, and Launcher Pro - Default)
- Added customizable deskclock app (customizable scrensaver and more - cyanogenmod)
- Added back Vibrate to Silent Mode in the volume rocker and lockscreens (blackdroid)
- Now can switch between the stock and modified versions of Phone, Email, and Music (UD Settings - blackdroid)
- Added all of the features from the stock lockscreen (music controls, menu to unlock, ect - blackdroid - UD Settings - Input Settings)
- The audio settings from Ultimate Droid is now its own app (with equalizer and special settings for phone, handset and bluetooth)- > DSPManager (alankila)
- Added multitouch keyboard from the Droid2 as the stock keyboard (blackdroid)
- New long list of ringtones from the Droid, DroidX, Incredible, Nexus, and Dorid 2 (blackdroid)
- All apps in ud extras have been updated (facebook, pandora, twitter, ect) (blackdroid)
- New much more useable quickoffice from the Droid 2 (blackdroid)
- Updated to new google voice seach app
- Updated to googles latest search app
- updated superuser to
- added 10 more boot animations (coming as update)
- added 10 more live wallpapers (coming as update)
Ultimate Droid Froyo eXtreme 6.0.0 Changelog:
- Built using FRG22 priority files (Much, much faster and smoother)
- Rotary LockScreen XD (Rotary Locksreen on Froyo - Yet another Ultimate Droid First) (Credit to Blackdroid)
- Ultimate Droid Extras (Fonts, bootanimations, Live Wallpapers, and Lockscreens) now has a picture menu (credit to Blackdroid)
- The Ultimate Droid Settings Menu has a new "Audio Settings" Category (Equalizer, Headset Virtual Room Effect, and Dynamic Range Compression) - (Credit to Alankila, Kmobs/ Cyanogenmod )
- Fixed black on black color issues with themes (Now all program notifications will adhere to the special notification colors settings in the UI settings - Credit to mtwebster)
- Added fix for Froyo's streaming audio quality issue (UD Settings -> Audio Settings - credit to Blackdroid)
- Better Wireless Support
- Better VPN Support (credit to cvpcs (modules), cyanogenmod (some patches and fixes))
- Fixed Flashing of Recoveries
Ultimate Droid Froyo eXtreme 5.0.0 Changelog:
- Extra apps are no longer bundled with the update, they now both download AND install from the built-in applications menu (Credit to Blackdroid)
- New incremental update process (Allows for small fixes or upgrades to be pushed to your phone without having to flash a complete update - credit to Blackdroid)
- Ultimate Droid Extras - the ability to download and install fonts, bootanimations, and livewallpapers right from the UD Settings menu (Credit to Blackdroid)
- Built-in backup and restore (backs up and restores all app and ud extras - fonts, bootanimation, live wallpaper, and built-in apps - Blackdroid)
- Added option to switch build fingerpints from the UD settings (UD Settings -> Application Settings - Blackdroid)
- Custom Protips widget (displays helpful hits and tips on how to use features contained in UD - Credit to RafficaX)
- Added the ability to flash sp or clockwork recovery (UD Settings -> Quick Commands - credit to Blackdroid)
- Customizable invisible pattern unlock screen (Settings -> Location & Security - Credit to Wyise)
- Updated lockscreen music controls (works with any music player and option for always on - Credit to Kmobs)
- Added abiltiy to configure rotation settings (UD Settings -> User Interface -> Rotation Settings - Credit to jonasl)
- Customizable recent apps list (UD Settings -> Input Settings -> Long Press Home Settings - Credit to Wyise)
- Customizable long press on home key (UD Settings -> Input Settings -> Long Press Home Settings - Credit to Wyise)
- Menu to unlock lockscreen (UD Settings -> Input Settings - Credit to Kmobs)
- Updated maps to version 4.4
- Updated astro
Ultimate Droid Froyo eXtreme 4.00 Changelog:
- resycned with googles source
- based off of FRG01 (thanks to P3Droid for the leak)
- updated stock kernel to latest kernel source (better battery life, produces less heat)
- added back automatic godmode
- made some changes to the theme of the phone app
- new apps2sd method (credit to cyanogenmod - Ultimate Droid Settings - Application Settings)
- eXtrememod - customizable livewallpaper (credit to RafficaX)
- added full 360 rotation (credit to jonasl)
- added option for notification light while screen is on (credit to cvpcs - Ultimate Droid Settings - User Interface)
- music controls on the lockscreen (credit to kmobs - Ultimate Droid Settings - User Interface)
- added play/pause functionality to the camera button when screen is locked (credit to cvpcs)
- Full Exchange Support and passwords during syncing optional (credit to cavillis)
- Fixed black on black music notification and download text
- added back flash_image
- added back powertop
Ultimate Droid Froyo eXtreme 3.5.0 Changelog:
- resycned with googles source
- FRF91 and FRF84B files and propriataries
- Changed the fingerprint and certain elements of the build.prop in order to have better backwards compatiblilty with more programs (such as slingbox, and some older games)
- New stock theme (made with images from Insanely Clean (by Insaneneiviesis), Black Glass (by 928Droid), Dark Edge (by Xeudoxus and REALigion), Smoked Theme (by AdamZ), and Nextheme (by Manup456)
- added in sysctl support
- fixed the contacts app issue
- added vibrate to ringer status (blackdroid)
- added a few memory tweaks (75mb of memory free)
- added trasparancy back to status bar and pulldown (blackdroid)
- added black backdground option back to mms (credit to jeagoss)
- zipalign on install of applications (credit to cyanogenmod)
- added ability to download any file type (credit to kmobs, chris soyars)
- added cytown phone enhancements v30.1 (with flip to silence feature - credit to cytown)
- removed now obsolete commands from the Ultiamte Droid settings menu
Ultimate Droid Froyo eXtreme 3.0.0 Changelog:
- Made a lot of improvements to the Ultimate Droid Launchers
*Smoothness of screen switching has increased 10 fold even with live wallpapers enabled
* All 4 shortcuts on the launcher are now customizable and can be deleted (press all apps button, drag any app from the open launcher to either open space on the side)
* Shortcuts now work in landscape as well as portrait
* Added haptic feedback to quick uninstall feature (drag app from launcher and hover over trash can until you get the notification and drop to uninstall)
* Added restart option to launcher
- WyContacts (contacts enhancements - for froyo - credit to Wysie, ChaninDD, greesun, niuchi, rac2030, sileht, and others)
- Added some extra features to the Mms app (credit to ruqqq)
- Updated the UI Tweaks - Reorganized and Fixed Import/Export feature
- Customized the Protips widget, now the Ultimate Droid Tips widget
- YouTube widget now works with no issues
- All apps now restore after a full wipe
- Fixed All Geolocation issues
- Fixed Double Search in Market issue
Ultimate Droid Froyo eXtreme 2.5.0 Changelog:
- Added to new features to the Ultimate Droid Launchers
* Smoother scrolling speed in both 2D and 3D launcher
* Added 2 customizable shortcuts to the bottom of the launcehers (drap app from open launcher to either open space on the side
* Added quick uninstall (drag app from launcher and hover over trash can until you get the notification and drop to uninstall)
- Added Super Mario Live Wallpaper
- Battery Status overlay is now configurable
- Updated to latest Overhauled Music app, now has "5" widgets
- Fixed Mms issues with stock mms and handcent app
- Re-coded UI Tweaks in Ultimate Settings to work better
- Facebook sync fixed
- Fixed a few bluetooth issues
- Spoofed Market to fixed missing paid apps in market
- The clock can now be removed - UI Tweaks
Ultimate Droid Froyo eXtreme 2.0.0 Changelog:
- 2 NEW Custom Froyo Launchers!!! (blackdroid) Version 1.0
2D and 3D Launcher
7 screens
Auto Rotation
Double Tap for previews
Ability to hide icon tiles
Ability to disable long press on screen
4 quickshortcuts /2 customizable (Version 2.0)
Ability to change speed of the animations (Version 2.0)
Ability to change the amount of rows and columns (Version 2.0 – 2D)
- Added reboot AND reboot to recovery to shutdown thread (long hold of power button - blackdroid)
- Added long presses for volume buttons to skip and go back to previous songs while screen on standby (cyanogenmod)
- Added battery percentage overlay (cyanogenmod)
Ultimate Droid Froyo eXtreme 1.5.0 Changelog:
- Ported the overhauled music player to froyo (credit to eliot stocker – proted by blackdroid)
- Added custom mms app with extra settings (credit to ruqqq)
- Move cache to sd card (quick command to Ultimate Settings menu)
- Droidx live wallpaper fixed, with new background (now works in sync with other live wallapers – credit to britoso – modified by me)
- Removed extra google search app
- Fixed amazon mp3 force close
Ultimate Droid Froyo eXtreme 1.2.5 Changelog:
- 270 Rotation (360 to come next build)
- Added auto rotation to the 3D launcher (Ultimate Droid Settings – Credit to blackdroid)
- Added ability to change the color of any element of the framework and import special color settings (clock, -notifications, battery status overlay, ect – credit to wyise)
- Added Transition, Window, and Fancy Animations to Ultimate Droid Settings (Credit to blackdroid)
- Updated Pandora and wireless tethering app
- Droid X Live Wallaper Replaced With Nexus Live wallpapers for the time (to ensure that the other live wallpapers work properly)
- Fixed Car Dock Issue
Known Issue:
- Facebook Contact Sync Ability is not enabled (twitter will sync)
Ultimate Droid Froyo eXtreme 1.0.0 Changelog:
- Ultimate Droid eXteme is now made from source
- Added all features previously featured on the Froyo eXtreme alpha, beta, and release canadites
- The Ultimate Droid Control Center and all of its settings have been moved to the Settings in settings -> Ultimate Droid (picture below)
- Added Apps2sd Auto, On, and Off to Quick Commands in the Ultimate Droid Settings menu
- Replaced stock boot animation with Droid X boot animation
- Added Droid X Live Wallpaper
- Added in Droid X ringtones
Known Issue:
- Facebook Contact Sync Ability is not enabled (twitter will sync)
Ultimate Droid Froyo eXtreme (RC2) Changelog:
- Fixed Random Reboot Issue
- Added Ability to Disable the apps2sd hack (under quick commands in ultimate droid control center)
Ultimate Droid Froyo eXtreme (RC1) Changelog:
- FRF57 base (credit to Google)
- Fully Deodexed System (credit to Google)
- Fully Zipaligned System (credit to blackdroid)
- All Images Optimized (Credit to blackdroid)
- Added Battery Status to battery images (Credit to blackdroid
- Block all adds in apps and browser by default (Credit to blackdroid)
- Less cpu intensive live wallpapers (idea from Chevy)
- Shortened ring delay (Credit to blackdroid)
- Increased wifi scan intervals (saves battery life - Credit to blackdroid)
- Camera Sounds disabled by default (credit to blackdroid)
- Version Information In Settings -> About Phone (credit to blackdroid)
- All commands in busybox and toolbox have been symlinked (credit to blackdroid)
- Added Wireless Tethereing App (credit to android project)
- Added Adobe Flash (drops on sdcard for easy installation with a file manager such as Astro - Credit to blackdroid)
- 3 Themes Available (Smoked, Nextheme, and Droptheme - themed facebook, pandora, and twitter included - all fully optimized - Links Below)
Added the Ultimate Droid Control Center which gives you: (Screenshots Below - No Custom Scripts Necessary) (Credit to blackdroid - made from source)
Quick Commands ("What Makes Scripts Obsolete" - The ability to use any command without the need of a terminal)
* Apps2sd Hack (Gives you the ability to install any app to your sdcard - using this hack will cause some widgets for some apps not to show)
* God Mode (Gives you the abiltiy to view or edit any file with any file manager)
* Reboot
* Reboot Recovery (Reboots into recovery mode)
* Power Off (Powers off the phone)
* Install2system (installs apps from /sdcard/system to /system/apps)
* mount system read/write (mounts the system read/write)
* mount system readOnly (mounts the system read only)
* free 50mb (keeps 50mb of system memory free)
* free 75mb (keeps 75mb of system memory free)
* free 100mb (keeps 100mb of system memory free)
* Sound On (disables camera and video recorder sounds)
* Sound Off (enables camera and video recorder sounds)
* Show All Ads (shows all adds in browser and applications)
* Block All Ads (disables all adds in browser and applications)
* Disable Boot Animation (disables the boot animation)
* Enable Boot Animation (re-enables the boot animation)
* Change speed off all animations
Built-In Applications (Allows all included applications and some system applications to be easily uninstalled and reinstalled):
-Extra Apps
* Amazon Mp3 Music Store (credit to Google)
* Chrome to Phone (credit to Google)
* Facebook (Included as an extra themed app in UD Themes - Does not come stock - Credit to blackdroid)
* Native Instant Messenger (Credit to credit to Zappletoo)
* Old Media Dock (Included 2.0 Alarm Clock App - Credit to blackdroid)
* Pandora (Included as an extra themed app in UD Themes - Does not come stock - Credit to blackdroid)
* Native Usable Quick Office (Credit to Pete)
* Usable Sound Recorder (From G1)
* Twitter (Included as an extra themed app in UD Themes - Does not come stock - Credit to blackdroid)
* Wireless Tethering App (credit to the android project)
-System Apps
* Calculator
* Email App
* Launcher
* Mms App
* Native Browser
* News and Weather App
Device Info:
- Battery History
- Battery Information
- Usage Statistics
- Memory Usage (To see how much storage you have, and how much has been used up in system, data, cache, and your sdcard)
Tools & Utilites:
- Busybox
- Flash Image
- Dropbear
- Bash Shell
- Zipalign
- Toolbox
If you like UD and BlackDroids work, Donations are appreciated :blackdroid:

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