Well if there is a USB bug, and you want to go back to rubix, just boot into clockwork and reflash rubix. If you brick or something, the usb should still connect when in sbf mode. I believe it is just a problem with the kernel, not the actual device.The aphla build is sweet. Extremely fast and filled with options other roms don't have. Like change lock screen(rotatory), text fonts, and more. Fun to try out, but there are a couple bugs that blackdroid lists. This will be my favorite rom when it is finished.
I did not take any pics, but original theme is cool.
SInce you've already loaded it, Can you share w/us which one of the 3 bugs mentioned on UD's site that you're experiencing? 2 of the 3 bugs"Supposedly" are fixed but if it's the "USb" bug that is not fixed, how do we "SBF" if need be?
Glad I won't need to do this as of now, All I can say is OMG, this BD kat is a FRICKIN Genious..This thing looks and feels amazing.. I hope the Sky Blu theme made for D1 will eventually be ported over to this or even Inspired or something..Best Money I've spent so far to get a rom plus a good donation as well..BD , you're Sik..good Looks for a bad azz Rom:icon_ banana::icon_ banana: