A little trial and error: if looking at a gmail or verizon (POP3) email account, that "move" icon does not appear, only the other four. If I open the "combined view" account, the fifth icon does appear when a message is selected; however when I press it, I get a pop-up message, "Move isn't supported on POP3 accounts." This happens no matter whether the message is received on a verizon address or a gmail address. Maybe it only works on exchange accounts. P.I.T.A. if you ask me.
@ Ephlat: Great job, even though I am sure it was not the answer you were looking for!:angry: Yes, my ISP is a POP3 account. I always like when there is a definitive answer instead of guestimates and speculation.
@ GPYoung: Thanks for all the input. I think your screen shots and mention of your exchange accounts helped sniff this one out. Out of curiosity, is your exchange account a POP3 or IMAP mail server?
Once again, thanks for the great work!!:biggrin: