Uncapped data for ud 2.5 download

First nobody ever goes into network setting so dc on it is moot.

Second. Chevy has it working with no fc.

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What's with all the different members posting this all over the forum???? :dry:
What's with all the different members posting this all over the forum???? :dry:

It has to be compiled separately for different ROMs and devices. So people all over are making it for their specific ones and sharing it with users of the same ROM and device.

I haven't been convinced enough to flash it though because I am not sure of a consistent way to test it. Speedtest is ridiculous.
I haven't been convinced enough to flash it though because I am not sure of a consistent way to test it. Speedtest is ridiculous.

+1 this is the truth

Sent from my UD 3.0.0 Droid 1
What aboot FCC test?

I checked it out and it is made by the same people as Speedtest. But it has less servers to choose from. Interestingly, I get higher speeds thru FCC test than I do with speedtest. Nice find dude!

These results are before the uncapped data mod. I haven't flashed it yet.
dont know what you guys are seeing but i tired both methods to apply and im getting worse speeds the with this hack. i can barely break 800 with hack and hit 2000 without hack.. i think this hack is a bummed one for me! i need more proof so far no one has brought it to the table