This is a re-release. The reason the last release was pulled was because things that I did not notice during testing were happening. Various applications were crashing and other bugs. Sorry for the issues.
Webst3r for helping me with the original black bar port.
JRummy16 for helping me with the services.jar
RobStemen for the amazing boot animation
tgwaste for the framework-res.apk and the custom icons(vibrate and the battery) and the MMS icons for better look on the black status bar.
To all my beta testers in the #epicrom IRC(If you go to the IRC and are there regularly you will be able to get pre-releases or beta releases of the rom to try and test and report bugs back to me)
Bug fixes
New black notification bar
Updated stock applications
What is included:
Black notification bar.
HTC Clock Widget
Motoblur mostly removed
Modified messaging application(Credit to Cyanogen)
Chips-Ahoy Cookies
Screen shots are
Download is
here (You click "here"

For support please join my IRC chat at in channel #epicrom.
Please if you feel it right to, donate. I am trying to get enough money to but a DROIDX to also develop on there. Please if you would like to donate here. Please read the whole page.
If anyone posts a fix below in the responses please do not attempt to use it or do anything with it until I confirm it is a legitimate fix or if it will do damage to your device.
I hope you enjoy!