well lets think about this....if an item is truly a superior product in comparison to another, i don't have to present a great argument. the item presents it through itself....opinions are awesome most of the time, except when they are false.
no he may prefer the TB, but it is not a better device.
But.. if i must. Moto has been known for quality built, solid devices. Think about the og droid, droix X and X2.why The screen is NOT as bad a people are hearing or complaining about. Its has a slightly blue tint But only when the screen brightness is turned really low. It comes set low and that's probably why people were mentioning it at first. before the turned it up.
Other than that the screen has received many complements from people whom I have shown the phone.
I don't even have to mention the hardware....and battery life.
And the HDMI out is SOO much better then the DX was and it is now living up to the potential unrealized by the DX. ( TB doesn't even have one!)
no he may prefer the TB, but it is not a better device.
But.. if i must. Moto has been known for quality built, solid devices. Think about the og droid, droix X and X2.why The screen is NOT as bad a people are hearing or complaining about. Its has a slightly blue tint But only when the screen brightness is turned really low. It comes set low and that's probably why people were mentioning it at first. before the turned it up.
Other than that the screen has received many complements from people whom I have shown the phone.
I don't even have to mention the hardware....and battery life.
And the HDMI out is SOO much better then the DX was and it is now living up to the potential unrealized by the DX. ( TB doesn't even have one!)