Good news guys! I am now an Official Developer at DroidFroums =)
Congratulations, you deserve it! Now everybody get busy and PUSH THAT DONATE BUTTON!!!
Good news guys! I am now an Official Developer at DroidFroums =)
Although probably not the most efficient (or syntax-tually correct?), couldn't you do the following:Oh, I know I've hinted at this before, but I also would just like to say that this MOD is now officially compatible with ANY Droid1 ROM. Also, it is almost compatible with any ROM for any phone, however, hold off on flashing this on other phones until I figure out how to detect the model of the phone using scripting, and then push different versions of build.prop to system accordingly.
if grep -q ro.product.name=inc build.prop; then #Dinc as example
$CP /tmp/inc/build.prop /system/
if grep -q ro.product.name=trout build.prop; then #Dream/G1/Trout as example
$CP /tmp/dream/build.prop /system/
# add more if-then statements for each phone model (or at least the good ones)
# [COLOR="Red"]ro.product.name=inc[/COLOR] ; this is the STRING that grep is searching for
# if you want to see if the device is a G1, replace [COLOR="SeaGreen"]=inc[/COLOR] with [COLOR="#2e8b57"]=trout[/COLOR]
# [COLOR="RoyalBlue"]build.prop[/COLOR] ; this is the FILE that grep is searching in (looking for STRING)
Although probably not the most efficient (or syntax-tually correct?), couldn't you do the following:Oh, I know I've hinted at this before, but I also would just like to say that this MOD is now officially compatible with ANY Droid1 ROM. Also, it is almost compatible with any ROM for any phone, however, hold off on flashing this on other phones until I figure out how to detect the model of the phone using scripting, and then push different versions of build.prop to system accordingly.
Basically your updater-script could run_program("modelchecker.sh");Code:modelchecker.sh #!/bin/bash if grep -q ro.product.name=inc build.prop; then #Dinc as example $CP /tmp/inc/build.prop /system/ fi if grep -q ro.product.name=trout build.prop; then #Dream/G1/Trout as example $CP /tmp/dream/build.prop /system/ fi # add more if-then statements for each phone model (or at least the good ones) # [COLOR="Red"]ro.product.name=inc[/COLOR] ; this is the STRING that grep is searching for # if you want to see if the device is a G1, replace [COLOR="SeaGreen"]=inc[/COLOR] with [COLOR="#2e8b57"]=trout[/COLOR] # [COLOR="RoyalBlue"]build.prop[/COLOR] ; this is the FILE that grep is searching in (looking for STRING)
then the modelchecker.sh script would have an if-then statement that checks the current build.prop to see if the device is a Dinc or a Dream or a Hero or a D1 and so on.
Once it finds the device name, it will then push the appropriate build.prop to /system (just make sure to have a folder in the update zip for each phone model, containing the appropriate build.prop for that phone)
Tada, now your AMAZING mod can work on all phones/ROMs!
Probably not the most efficient, but I think it will work. I hope it will work. I really want this on the Dinc. Please let me know, and thank you for working so hard and taking the time to make this mod as future-proof and compatible it is. My mouse is on the donate button now.
Sure thing.I'm quite busy with some freelance animation, so it'll be a day or two before I get around to finishing this. Can I have you test it when it's done?
Sure thing.I'm quite busy with some freelance animation, so it'll be a day or two before I get around to finishing this. Can I have you test it when it's done?
Good news guys! I am now an Official Developer at DroidFroums =)