Unresponsive screen


New Member
May 23, 2011
Reaction score
Had to do a battery pull today for an unrrsponsive screen, and numerous reboots sence ouning this phone:'(

This isn't normal behavior. Perhaps a factory reset is in your future?
Not lookin forward to the reset,, sure do wish this phone had an sd card ,,
Why not just move your internal SD card contents to your computer if that's what's stopping you.

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Mine was fully charged before I went to bed. I looked at it when I woke up and it had about 90% battery. An hour later it had turned itself off so I tried to turn it back on and it wouldn't come back on.

I thought, how did the battery go bad so fast?? So I tried recharging it and still no luck, it wouldn't power up and there wasn't even any visual that it was charging the battery. I checked on internet and they said to remove battery for 5 minutes and it should turn on again, tried that 4x during the evening but no luck.

This was on New Years' Eve so I couldn't take it to the store for a few days due to the holiday. In the meantime the battery completely drained itself. So today I figured I should charge it so Verizon could take a look at it. Now that it was 3 days later with a drained battery when I plugged it in, it finally was charging! It still didn't turn on for me but it did for the verizon guy.

When he opened he said, no wonder it was acting funny, you have the "Lookout" mobile security app on your phone. This causes nothing but trouble. So I immediately took it off since I have another "where's my droid" app anyway. I hope that works! Anyway, thought I'd share in case this is causing your phone to act querky as well. The rep advised me to download on one or two apps at a time so you know which ones are affecting your phone. I had downloaded about 20 of them before that happened but he knew immediately that my problem was the Lookout app.
Mine does the same thing from time to time with the screen freezing. Sometimes when I unlock it & sometimes when I'm using it. I thought it was the rom so I switched roms & it still did it. The part about the apps doing it makes sense since some apps aren't ICS ready. Maybe if enough people are having this problem, we could list the apps on our phone to see if there's something in common.
When he opened he said, no wonder it was acting funny, you have the "Lookout" mobile security app on your phone. This causes nothing but trouble. So I immediately took it off since I have another "where's my droid" app anyway. I hope that works! Anyway, thought I'd share in case this is causing your phone to act querky as well. The rep advised me to download on one or two apps at a time so you know which ones are affecting your phone. I had downloaded about 20 of them before that happened but he knew immediately that my problem was the Lookout app.

Verizon guy told me the same thing when I couldn't get my pictures on my dx then the same when my razr battery wouldn't charge above 70%, I've learned my lesson

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