

New Member
Dec 14, 2011
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hey all i am in wyoming and am brand spankin new to the forum. i have been reading a lot about an update that i am sure i have not seen yet, not to mention i havent a clue about what is/are the best apps or how to even find updates for the phone its self. i am basically at square one but i am very interested in having an up to date super awesome bionic. that being said i have been having the following problems...... slow as snails for most everything, no service (3g) most of the time digital is the best i can get. i know that being in wyoming where we dont have 4g is a bummer but i should at least have 3g most of the time but that isnt happening. so..... is there some way or some sort of update that i need to know about? do i even need to root my phone, if so how do i do that? i am technically savvy enough, but i just need some sort of help and direction to go.... any advice helps... thanks
It'll be two ways, but you don't have to root. It'll be coming OTA (Over The Air). It's random; so random that if you got 2 Bionics the same day one could get the update days after the other one.

If the update loads in the background (like it did with my OG Droid), you'll get the announcement and an option to install now or to be reminded in an hour.

The other is going into Menu>Settings>About phone>Check for updates. If the update is available for you, you'll see an announcement to download now or to be reminded in an hour. If you get the message that your phone is up to date, it isn't time for you to get the update and if it says you have to try later, well, try later.

It should look like what you see at http://support.verizonwireless.com/c....html?id=51973
My phone isn't rooted so I can't answer completely.

Rooting gives you complete access to your phone's system. You can run apps (like Set CPU and Titanium Backup) that you can't otherwise. It lets you make extreme changes to the appearance by adding a ROM. You can also take apps that came pre-installed that you don't use and freeze them so they don't waste power. You can even take screenshots (there's a non-rooting app that costs $4.99 to do that).

Lots of threads here on how, and what to do if you run into trouble.
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