So I have the leaked gingerbread 2.11.605.0 on my TB and found the sound is doing strange things and now the camera and gtalk not starting up has made me decide to roll back to froyo. Only problem being I'm not rooted and can't do so unless I am, but i have tried numerous times with the auto root and manually with adb to no avail. After it pushes the "adb shell chmod 777 /data/local/psneuter" I keep getting "failed to set prot mask <inappropriate ioctl for device>" and then I get "c88dd947eb3b36eec90503a3525ae0de /data/local/misc.img/dev/block/mmcblk0p17: cannot open for write: Permission denied". When it launches into hboot and runs thru the it says main version is older update failed! Any ideas what I can do to achieve root on this thing? Or is it hopeless with the leaked gingerbread? Thoughts and info are greatly appreciated!