[Updated] Google: Google Wallet Blocked by Verizon on VZW Samsung Galaxy Nexus

I think this is why Gnex is delayed, these guys are fighting for leverage.

I think this is why Gnex is delayed, these guys are fighting for leverage, why should there be two press releases which are opposite to each other ?
Uhhhh....they "don't block apps"??? Bull...what about all the tethering apps VZ blocked?

Sent from my CushZero using Tapatalk

I don't know. That's why I posted with out comment. Just passing along what I saw. :D
Well just wait until ISIS is released with the same functionality as Google Wallet and then watch as someone SUEs the pants off of Verizon in Federal court for antitrust or anti competitive behavior reasons.
I don't know. That's why I posted with out comment. Just passing along what I saw. :D

I apologize if you thought I was questioning you. I was simply questioning their response... It's clearly just to save face.

Sent from my CushZero using Tapatalk
Oh, no apology needed. I was just saying I have no clue. I never really paid attention to such things in the past.
In general I'm against carriers disabling applications.

However, this particular app is something I'd prefer to have no where near my easily-to-lose, easy-to-hack phone. I'm also against RF tags in credit cards for the same reason.

Anything that accesses my financials should be non-broadcasting in nature and not on a device I have out of my pocket constantly.
One of the key features on the phone isn't going to be available? Why not just release a phone that cannot make or take calls -.-

You know Verizon, if I wanted everything on my phone to be locked down and regulated by someone other than me, I would've bought an iPhone
I think thats at the heart of the issue. I haven't kept up with NFC news, but I would assume the difference between Wallet and Isis is about the same difference between Visa and Mastercard. Shouldn't matter which one you use, so long as you have NFC. If that is true, then VZW shoudn't have any say, if you like Isis, you will install and use Isis. If you prefer Google Wallet, then you install and use that.

Agreed. I love me some Google but hey, if it does the same thing, who cares?
I know what you guys are saying but im not sure if id want a hacked version of a payment system. For me, thats something that should stay officially done and constantly updated ya know? Id be fine with isis or wallet, if i use it that is. I did notice soda machines at my school that accept nfc stuff, not sure if its wallet or isis though.
I dont think it is going to be the app itself hacked but rather if your are hacked/romed then you can use google wallet.

Uhhhh....they "don't block apps"??? Bull...what about all the tethering apps VZ blocked?

Sent from my CushZero using Tapatalk
I don;t tether so not my area of expertise, but I assume you can download tether apps from the market can't you? If so, think they do not block the apps, they block tethering. They are blocking a form of network traffic.
I don;t tether so not my area of expertise, but I assume you can download tether apps from the market can't you? If so, think they do not block the apps, they block tethering. They are blocking a form of network traffic.

They asked Google to block certain tether apps like "Wireless Tether for Root Users" from the market. At least that's my understanding.
Yes, they blocking the popular tethering apps out of the market. I think their is one or two but they are few far and in between.
VZW gets lamer and lamer

ugh. Verizon you suck. Unfortunately you are the best out there.
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