I looked at the Google Maps version number -it's 4.0.0 (#4046) gmm-android-verizonThis morning I got the notification for Google Maps sending down an update. Also Docs to Go.
I didn't get this. Weird.
Its seems hit or miss whether I get a notification in the notification bar for updates. This morning I got a notification for Where, but my last several updates I had to manually check for.
I didn't either, but I think the reason is because the "notifications" for APP updates are extremely delayed.
Those updates were several days ago if memory serves me correctly.
I check the Market at least once per day for my downloads to see if there are updates, and apply them from there.
It is a pain to have to update each one and then go back in. I tried one time to click another APP update while one was still loading, It looked like it started, but then seem to cause everything to come to a halt. They did both update, but it was way longer than it took to update each one individually.
What seems different (I don't remember seeing these before the update) is under layers/favorite places>new york city> and then there is a list of about 40 names, beginning with Mayor Michael Bloomberg - and the rest I never heard of before.
I also never noticed "Transit Lines" either (under layers)
Could be some were from the last update - I never went into layers since that one, which was about 3 weeks ago. Today's update took quite a while, maybe 10-12 minutes. mike