so torn on this. Would love to get the S4 or something else new but then I have to give up my grandfathered in unlimited dataThough not sure how long they will let me keep it anyway.
I carry my phone in a belt holster. Will they have one for the 6.3" Note 3?
I was horribly disappointed with the support for the Bionic (and most Motorola devices, to be quite honest.) Though I've been a loyal Motorola guy, I'm strongly considering jumping ship to the S4, given the specs. Still, though, I'm torn. I wish we had more concrete information on the X Phone so that I can be sure.
So basically, it's either the S4 or the mysterious X device.
In waiting on the X period.
I was horribly disappointed with the support for the Bionic (and most Motorola devices, to be quite honest.) Though I've been a loyal Motorola guy, I'm strongly considering jumping ship to the S4, given the specs. Still, though, I'm torn. I wish we had more concrete information on the X Phone so that I can be sure.
So basically, it's either the S4 or the mysterious X device.
I recently read that the X phone has been delayed, which clinches it for me. I suspect they were closing in on a final design when they saw the specs for the S4 and other phones, and realized they'd be behind when it came out. This is what reportedly happened with the original Bionic - they delayed it 6 months for a redesign, and when it finally came out barely matched others that were already out. So now they're probably scrambling to again up the ante. Sounds to me like they're into one-upsmanship, and don't have the insight of Samsung or Apple that is required to plan a phone 6-12 months out that will be the best then, rather than now. Looks like the S4 for me - now hoping for an early upgrade offer as I've gotten in the past.
Not sure where you heard that but it's total bs. Nothing about the x will be revealed until Google I/O and that's been the plan since last summer. BTW...all mfgrs are "into one upmanship" that's called competition . thanks for one of the single most inane posts I've ever read.
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I read it in a forum posting, so it has to be fact - just as much as your confidence that the phone even exists and would have to be announced at Google I/O. My point is that if a company only plans their phone to one-up the current phones, they'll never get ahead. They need to innovate to get ahead, not just one-up. You must not read too many forum postings if my post is one of the most inane.
I agree the original bionic was not as sexy as this bionic. I remember seeing pics of it from 2011 ces
. I badly wanted that phone but i am relieved we got this model instead. I can just imagine that original bionic catching fire while talking on it or in my pocket. That would suck!