Upgrade next week


New Member
Jan 23, 2011
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Morning all, I'm puzzled. I'm due for an upgrade from Verizion on the 18th of Sept. I now have the incredable and have been eying the Galaxy S III for a month or more now. I don't know what to do with this Apple Samsung BS. Will apps or programs stop working later on. I'm confused about this stuff.
Would appreciate some insight on this, I looked for treads on this but couldn't find any. Thanks for any input on this.
Have a good day,
The latest decision is not the final decision. It is being appealed which will take a long time. I don't think you will see a loss of support for the SIII anytime soon. If it is a concern for you, might want to check out the new Motorola Razr HD phones as an alternative.
At the moment the s3 isn't involved. That may not stay the case but for right now the s3 is in the clear. I personally think that it is far more likely for Samsung to pay additional fines than for the devices to be changed in any way since they're already in our hands. There will probably be another appeal too, and that will take several months. If you are really concerned you can always wait until the next flagship phone is out, that's the only time I upgrade because I know I want the best as long as I can.
Just to add to this, if you a Samsung device that's under any sort of adjudication, the device itself will still function. The only possible outcome that may effect you is if the device is banned for sale, spare and replacement parts will still be made available however that means the device would more than likely be in short supply for a full replacement.
Its unlikely that the S3 will be found to be infringing on the BS patents. It's a safe choice. Best phone I've ever owned.
From what I have read they made changes between the S2 and S3 so the patents were no longer infringed upon. What those changes are I have no idea. Have never used or even seen an S2.